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All citizens of a society are subjected to the four types of social control as described by Donald Black.

提问人:网友pengzhaolin 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“All citizens of a society are …”相关的问题
Write an essay of around 400 words in response to the claim that "the Chinese government s
hould provide free health care to all the citizens”. You can discuss both the benefits and harms of the provision of free health care for all. But you should also state your preference and give reasons to support your argument. Make sure you follow the conventions of academic writing we have discussed so far in this course.

【原文】Ladies and gentlemen, the world today is facing a serious problem of poverty in so


Ladies and gentlemen, the world today is facing a serious problem of poverty in some areas.We must refocus our attention, and resources, on the places and people that are economicallybeing left behind.//

As we do, we must bear in mind that none are more committed to ending poverty than thepoor themselves. Often, all they lack is the guidance and the tools to get rid of poverty.//

Therefore, it requires all citizens to actively participate in policy-making, and governments tobecome more accountable to their citizens in their efforts to achieve their goals.//

Today, we join hands with the poor in a collective effort. This is a close and extensivecooperation which brings together civil society, the private sectors, and individuals around theworld.

Directions: Put the following sentences in the pro...

Directions: Put the following sentences in the proper order so that they make a complete paragraph. FOR EXAMPLE: 123456789 1. It was, in fact, the little known Cleisthenes. 2. Who is the father of democracy? 3. Not Thomas Jefferson, as many people oddly seem to think. 4. From 508 to 502 BC, he began to develop a series of major reforms, leading to the formation of Athenian Democracy. 5. He first introduced democracy to the Greek city states in 508 BC, after he gained political power in Athens. 6. All citizens over the age of thirty were eligible to sit on the council, encouraging public involvement in the government. 7. He made all free men living in Athens and Attica citizens, giving them the right to vote as part of a democratic society. 8. While the format may not be the same as the many democracies around the world today, there is no doubt that this was the first step. 9. He also established a council.

The lives of most men are determined by their environment. They accept the circumstances a
mid which fate has thrown them not only with resignation but even with good will. They are like streetcars running contentedly on their rails and they despise the sprightly flivver that dashes in and out of the traffic and speeds so jauntily across the open country. I respect them; they are good citizens, good husbands, good fathers, and of course somebody has to pay the taxes; but I do not find them exciting. I am fascinated by the men, few enough in all conscience, who take life in their own hands and seem to mould it to their own liking. It may be that we have no such thing as free will, but at all events we have the illusion of it. At a crossroad it does seem to us that we might go either to the right or the left and, once the choice is made, it is difficult to see that the whole course of the world's history obliged us to take the turning we did.

Leading Sydney citizens used to complain that Sydney, unlike many smaller cities in Europe
and America, lacked a large modem center for the arts. Public pressure became so great that a committee was finally set up to look into the situation and make proposals. It considered thirty possible sites before it chose Bennelong Point. The Government decided to find a design for an Opera House by holding a worldwide competition. The prizes were quite small, but the winner could expect to earn a lot more when he designed the working plans and took charge of the construction. An international group of judges received designs from more than thirty-two countries. They all agreed that the first prize should go to Iota Utzon, who had sent in a highly imaginative, bold design of a great building that looked like a beautiful concrete butterfly. They nevertheless commented that Utzon's drawings lacked detail. They were thought to go beyond the limit of existing technology.

Even before the difficult construction work began on the roof, the engineering firm had to face unusual technical problems in building the platform. About seven hundred concrete piers (码头) had to be sunk to a depth of thirteen meters in Sydney Harbor to support the building. The company ran into so many difficulties that they had to be paid twice as much as was originally agreed upon.

Almost six years were needed to work out a way of building the platform. Thousands of calculations were made using a computer. Utzon had had disagreements with many engineers. But most Australians are extremely proud of this house which stands on the finest site of any public building constructed this century.

From the passage we can see that this building ______.

A.was big enough to hold all the citizens of the city

B.was difficult because of the lack of detail

C.was the most modem Opera House till then

D.was built with the joint efforts of the country

For many, the pursuit of happiness is also the pursuit of prosperity. Part of the America
n dream is the ability to provide【M1】______ your family, have a job that pays the bills, and puts a roof over your head. The last few years of economical uncertainty have【M2】______ made this dream harder to attain for millions of U.S. citizens and legal immigrants. Twenty-four million Americans are employed or【M3】______ underemployed. Meanwhile, there are 7 million illegal workers with jobs in the U.S. We could open up millions of jobs for citizens and legal immigrants even if we simply enforced worksite【M4】______ immigration laws. E-Verify is a program that helps preserve rare jobs for U.S.【M5】______ citizens and legal immigrants. It allows employers to check what【M6】______ prospective employees are legally authorized to work in the U.S. The program is free, quick, and easy to use—persons eligible to work immediately confirmed 99.5 percent of the time. More than【M7】______ 270,000 employers across the U.S. voluntarily use E-Verify, and the average of 1,300 new businesses sign up each week. Ive【M8】______ introduced the Legal Workforce Act to require all U.S. employers to use E-Verify. This bill is one of the most significant steps we can make to preserve the pursuit of happiness for millions of U.S.【M9】______ citizens and legal immigrants while curbing incentives for future illegal immigrants. The U.S. has been and will continue to be a nation of immigrants. And we are also a nation of laws. And we must【M10】______ enforce our laws to protect and preserve the rights and freedoms that make America so great.


Fox: Chinese citizens, it is clear that privacy rightsenjoy little legal protections. Yet,

Fox: Chinese citizens, it is clear that privacy rights

enjoy little legal protections. Yet, as attitudes toward

privacy continue to change, the law will eventually be


One Professor thinks that earlier attitudes toward

privacy shaped largely by traditional living arrangements 【S1】______

whereby families of several generations often lived together

in small homes. He notes that the every living space for 【S2】______

urban Chinese had risen from 3.6 square meter in 1978 to 【S3】______

11.4 square meters by 2003, and says this increase has played

important role in fostering expectations of privacy within 【S4】______

the family, especially among the younger generation.

Parents in the past may readily enter a child's room, or read a 【S5】______

child's letters, without asking, and today are likely to incur 【S6】______

the wrath (愤努) of their privacy-conscious children if they

do. A number of academics are going so long as to call 【S7】______

openly for stronger privacy laws.

In the public sphere, it is usually technology, than nosy

parents, that attracts complaints. Though it still lags behind

Britain, which leads the world with its 4.2m surveillance

cameras, but China is installing them at a steady clip. 【S8】______

Shanghai alone has 200,000, and plans to double that number

within five years. The city of Guangzhou has budget $26m 【S9】______

to install security and traffic-monitoring cameras on all its

main streets. Perhaps most high-tech of all is Beijing, where

road cameras, equipped with night-vision capabilities, are

paired with radar guns and can snap the number plates of

speeding motorists at any time of day and night. 【S10】______


“Let’s go down once more, push your enter key...” says a volunteer helping senior citize
ns work a web session on the Internet.

David Lansdale has found a way to spark up the lives of the elderly. He gets them wired to the Internet.

“If you hit your enter key, it will bring up this particular email...”

Pauline Allen is one of those who have started using the Internet, “I thought I was through with life, I was ready for a rocking chair, because I was 86 years old. And I haven’t found the rocking chair, yet. ”

“You found the keyboard ?” asked the reporter. “That’s right, I found the keyboard.”

The average age of Lansdale’s students is around 68. All are in nursing homes or assisted care homes. He used family relationships to introduce them to the World Wide Web.

David Lansdale says, “Here they are in California, the family was back in New York, the opportunity to connect, to cross the time and space, was an incredibly precious opportunity for them.”

“I hear you are so beautiful.” Lillian Sher dictates e -mail to a newborn great-granddaughter. Working with one another, the seniors learn as a group. They learn to master the Internet and to overcome what Lansdale calls the maladies of the institutionalized: loneliness, helplessness, boredom, and cognitive decline.

Mary Harvey says, “Bingo just doesn’t appeal to me. But this does, believe me, this does. ”

Ninety-four year old Ruth Hyman is a star pupil and instructor. She says, “When I send a letter to my grandchildren, and great grandchildren, they hang it up in their offices, just like I used to hang their drawings on my refrigerator. Ha, ha. ”

David Lansdale says, “There’s a collective benefit. There is an element, a tremendous element of therapy. Remember we started as a support group. ”

Dixon Morehouse says, “I just wish I were 15 years old and getting to learn all this.” The seniors call their weekly meetings Monday Night Live. And many say the meetings have given them new life.

Ruth Hyman says, “Three years ago, they told me I wasn’t going to live. But I showed them, and got work, and I’ve worked ever since. ”

1、The suitable title of this news story is ()

A、Lonely Senior Citizens and Their Volunteers

B、Senior Citizens in Nursing Homes

C、Senior Citizens Surf the Web for Health of Mind and Body

D、How Senior Citizens Learn to use Computer

2、What does the phrase “spark up ” mean?

A、light up




3、By saying “I thought I was through with life, I was ready for a rocking chair, because I was 86 years old And I haven’t found the rocking chair yet.” Pauline Allen means ()

A、she used to think she was too old to do anything、But now she doesn’t think so

B、she is eager to look for a rocking chair to sit on

C、she would rather die in her rocking chair

D、she is too old and finds life is meaningless

4、Why did Mary Harvey’s grandchildren and great grandchildren hang her letter up in their offices?

A、Because there was a picture in her letter

B、Because she used to hang their letters up

C、Because they were proud of her

D、Because they liked to read the letter every day

5、Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the advantage of a web session on the Internet?

A、It can make senior citizens become closer to their family

B、It can contribute to family’s occasional visit to the seniors

C、It serves as a therapy

D、It can bring the senior citizens self-confidence

ElectionThe focal point of American political life is the presidential election. More citi


The focal point of American political life is the presidential election. More citizens participate in this process than in any other aspect of civic life, and their choice has enormous significance for the nation and, indeed, for the world. In the United States, the president technically is not directly elected by the people but by a body established under the Constitution called the Electoral College. Its members are supposed to mirror the wishes of the voters in their state.

Recent Turnout(参与人数)

However, between 1964 and 1988, turnout in presidential elections slowly declined, from 62% to 50%. In 1992, turnout increased slightly, to 54%. That is, of all citizens who could have registered to vote, barely half voted. This means that the winner of a presidential election might have received only one-fourth of the votes of potential voters.

Who Does Not Vote?

Before we can explain why some people do not vote, we need to see who the nonvoters are. The most important thing to remember is that voting is related to education, income, and occupation, that is, to socioeconomic class. For example, if you are a college graduate, the chances are about 80% that you will vote; if you have less than a high school education, the chances are only about half that. Differences between higher-and lower-income people are also quite large. Two out of three nonvoters have incomes below the average. This class gap in turnout is widening. Although voting among all groups of Americans has declined in the past 30 years, the proportion of college-educated persons who participated fell by less than 10% while that of high school-educated persons dropped by nearly 20%.

Though many people take it for granted that those in the working class vote at lower rates than those in the middle and upper classes, in the United States these differences are far wider than in other nations and far wider than in nineteenth-century America. So there appears to be something unique about the contemporary American political system that inhibits voting participations of all citizens, but particularly those whose income and educational levels are below the average.

Voting is also much more common among older than young people. The popular impression that young people often participate in politics was reinforced during the Vietnam years, when college campuses exploded with anti-war dissent. In fact, however, young people vote much less frequently than their elders. Those in their 40s and older have established their careers and families, and they have more time and money to devote to voting and other political activities.

Why Turnout is Low?

There are a number of possible reasons why Americans esp. low-income and young Americans, do not vote.

One reason is that non-voters are satisfied: failing to vote is a passive form. of consent to what government is doing.

About one-third of a group of non-voters in the 1.990 election, when asked why they did not vote, gave reasons suggesting they were disgusted with politics. The public was condemning the lack of real issues in the campaign, the negative advertising, the constant attention paid by television to the polls telling people how they were going to vote. In fact, tnmout is inversely(成反比地) related to media spending; the more the candidates spend, the lower the turnout. In addition to the quality of the campaigns, some people think turnout has declined because the elections are so frequent, campaigns last so long and so many are contested that the public becomes bored, confused, or impatient. At the presidential level, the sheer quantity of coverage, much of it focused repetitively on "who's winning", may simply bore people. Moreover, the continual public polling and the widely publicized results may lead some to believe they don't need to vote.





Passage Two Concerning money or anything else, conflicts between husband and wife usually

Passage Two

Concerning money or anything else, conflicts between husband and wife usually reflect a power struggle. Conflicts between parent and child often center around the same issue. As children enter adolescence, they begin to demand greater freedom to go where they please, do what they please, and make decisions without parental interference. Many American par- ents do not know how to deal with their teenagers and seek advice from books, lectures, and parent-training courses. Parents want to maintain a friendly relationship with their teenagers and also want to guide them so that their behavior. will be whatever the parents consider proper and constructive. But in a society of rapidly changing social and moral values, parents and children often disagree about what is important and what is right. Arguments may con- cern such unimportant matters as styles of dress or hairdos. But quarrels may also concern school work, after school jobs, decisions, use of the family car, dating, and sexual behav- ior. Some families have serious problems with teenagers who drop out of school, run away from home, or use illegal drugs. Because so much publicity is given to the problem teenager, one gets the impression that all teenagers are troublemakers. Actually, relatively few adoles- cents do anything wrong, and nearly all grow up into "solid citizens" who fulfill most of their parents' expectations. In fact, recent studies show that the "generation gap" is narrowing. The vast majority of teenagers share most of their parents' values and ideas. Many parents feel that they get along with their adolescents quite well.

40. According to the writer, conflicts between husband and wife usually reflect ______.

A. feelings of hatred

B. power struggle

C. that they don't care for each other

D. that they may appeal to divorce

It is impossible to find out exactly how many volunteers are at work today in the United S
tates. Thirty-seven million or so are known to belong to【C1】______like the Pink Ladies, Travelers' Aid, or Big Brothers', but those who work【C2】______or in small informal groups cannot be【C3】______. The total number of men and women who give their time to help others appears to be between fifty and sixty-eight million.

They do almost anything: they sew, clean,【C4】______, paint, cook, repair things,【C5】______books for the blind,【C6】______sick children in hospitals, or【C7】______senior citizens who do not want to go out alone. They give their blood; they work in libraries and schools; they【C8】______documents for new citizens with a language problem or【C9】______money to support local symphony orchestras; they answer the telephone calls of the【C10】______who are thinking of killing themselves, and who need a friendly【C11】______.

Volunteers start community projects too small to attract the attention of organized agencies, or work at jobs【C12】______no funds are available. A(n)【C13】______of city folk will turn an empty【C14】______into a playground for the children of their neighborhood; others decide to repair and paint a few dilapidated houses in their street.【C15】______Women cook and【C16】______two hot meals a day to elderly people【C17】______alone, and too sick or too tired to prepare their own food.【C18】______group calls lonely old people once a day to chat a little and【C19】______if they are all right. Some college students teach English, mathematics, or drawing to the inmates of a local jail. Anywhere one looks, the【C20】______of volunteers is hard at work--not only in the United States, but in many other countries where "volunteerism" is spreading.






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