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Among the many ways in which people communicate through speech, public speaking has probab

ly received more study and attracted more attention than any other. Politicians campaigning for public office, salespeople presenting products, and preachers delivering sermons all depend upon this form. of public communication. Even people who do not make speaking a part of their daily work are often asked to make public speeches: students at graduation, for instance, or members of churches, clubs, or other organizations. Nearly everyone speaks in public at some time or other, and those who perform. the task well often become leaders.

There are many reasons for speaking in public. A public speaker may hope to teach an audience about new ideas, for example, or provide information-about some topic. Creating a good feeling or entertaining an audience may be another purpose. Public speakers, however, most often seek to persuade an audience to adopt new opinions, to take certain actions, or to see the world in a new way.

Public speakers usually know well in advance when they are scheduled to make an address. Consequently, they are able to prepare their message before they deliver it. Sometimes, though, speakers must deliver the message unprepared, or off the cuff, such as when they are asked to offer a toast at a wedding reception or to participate in a televised debate or interview.

When they do not have to speak unprepared, most speakers write their own speeches. Politicians and business executives sometimes employ professional writers who prepare their speeches for them. These professional writers may work alone or in small teams. Although the speaker may have some input into the contents of the speech, the writers sometimes have a great influence over the opinions expressed by their employers. Regardless of how a speech is prepared, the person who delivers it is given credit for its effect upon its hearers.

Public speaking is well known to the average people because______.

A.most of them have been trained as public speakers

B.such activities are prevalent in the society

C.most of them have to do it when they study at college

D.the passage does not mention the reason

提问人:网友suanptzhw 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“Among the many ways in which p…”相关的问题
There are many different ways of presenting grammar in the classroom. Among them, three a
re most frequently used and discussed. Which one does not belong to them?

A.The deductive method

B.The inductive method

C.The guided discovery method

D.The productive method

There are many different ways of presenting grammar in the classroom. Among them, three are most frequently used and discussed. Which one does not belong to them?

A.The deductive methoD

B.The inductive methoD

C.The guided discovery metho

D.The productive metho


Reading newspapers______.A.is a custom just among men who can readB.is a daily activity mo

Reading newspapers______.

A.is a custom just among men who can read

B.is a daily activity most British people enjoy

C.is something the British do only when traveling on a train

D.can help people in many ways

Cost Leadership Can be especially effective when: . 下列哪些条件下成本领先战略是有效的: 。

A、The market is composed of many Price-Sensitive Buyers and the price competition among rivals is vigorous. 市场上充斥的是价格敏感型的顾客;对手间价格竞争日趋激烈。

B、Rival’s products are identical and supplies are readily available. 产品与竞争对手趋同,且所需投入品易从上游供应商那里获取。

C、There are few ways to achieve differentiation. 很难有形成差异化的途径。

D、Most buyers use the product in the same way. 产品的用途对大多数顾客一致。

听力原文:There have been many great inventions, things that change the way we live. The fi

听力原文: There have been many great inventions, things that change the way we live. The first great invention was one that is still very important today--the wheel. This made it easier to carry heavy things and to travel long distances.

For hundreds of years after that there were few inventions that had as much effect as the wheel. Then in the early 1800s the world started to change. There was little unknown land left in the world. People did not have to explore much any more, They began to work instead to make life better.

In the second half of the 19th century many great inventions were made. Among them were the camera, the electric light and the radio. These all became a big part of our fife today.

The middle part of the 20th century brought new ways to help get over diseases. They worked very well. They made people healthier and let them live longer lives. By the 1960s most people could expect to live to be at least 60.

By this time most people had a very good life. Of course new inventions continued to be made. But man now had a desire to explore again. The world was known to man, but the stars were not. Man began looking for ways to go into space. Russia made the first step. Then the United States took a step. Since then other countries, including China and Japan, have made their steps into space.


A.In the second half of the 19th century.

B.In the 1960s,

C.In the first half of the 20th century.

D.In the early 1800s.

There are many ways in which the phenomena of language and culture are intimately related
. All phenomena are unique to humans and have there-【M1】______ fore been the subject of a great deal of anthropological, sociological, and even memetic study. Language, of course, is determined by culture. For many people, language is not just the medium of culture but also the【M2】______ part of culture. It is quite common for immigrants from a new country to re-【M3】______ tain their old customs and to speak their first language amid fellow immigrants, even if all of present are comfortable in their new language. This oc-【M4】______ curs because the immigrants are eager to preserve their own heritage, which includes not only customs and traditions but also language. This is also seen in many Jewish communities. Linguistic differences are also often seen as mark of another culture, and【M5】______ they very commonly create divisiveness among neighboring peoples but even【M6】______ among different groups of the same nation. A good example of this is in Canada, where French-speaking natives of Quebec clash with the English-speaking majority. This sort of conflict is also uncommon in the areas with a great【M7】______ number of tribal warfare. It is even becoming an issue in America as speakers【M8】______ of standard American English—mainly whites and educating minorities—ob-【M9】______ serve the growing number of speakers of black English vernacular. Debates are common over whether it is proper to use "Ebonics" in schools, while their【M10】______ speakers continue to assert that the dialect is a fundamental part of the "black culture".


7.The Renaissance The Renaissance,considered by mo...

7.The Renaissance The Renaissance,considered by modern scholars to have been the time between 1,300 and 1,600,was a period of European history when many new inventions and beliefs came into being. The Renaissance is traced back to rich Italian cities such as Florence,Milan,and Venice. In these cities businessmen started to spend their extra money on things like painting and education,and to consider new techniques of banking and systems of government. A new type of scholar,the humanist(人文主义者)arose. Humanism was concerned with humankind and culture. Latin and Greek,literature and philosophy,music and mathematics were among the subjects humanists studied. The Renaissance gave rise to new forms of painting and sculpture. During the Renaissance,artists were no longer regarded as mere artisans(工匠).Many artists drew on mathematics in order to become more accurate in their measurements(度量)and to make sure an object was presented in realistic proportions. They also studied the way light hits objects and the ways our eyes perceive it. A new kind of paint,called oil paint,was invented. The Renaissance affected all of the society. Many people became interested in politics,and the world outside their towns. They became explorers,businessmen,etc. The effect on religion was especially strong. In the Middle Ages people were primarily concerned with serving the church and getting to heaven. But the increase in arts and education gave people things to look forward to in life,and made them lose interest in the church. The Renaissance produced many great minds. Leonardo da Vinci was one of the greatest,although he was not regarded that way at the time. Among his many works of art were Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. He is also regarded as a great inventor,and is credited for coming up with the idea of the helicopter. 14.Which of the followings took place during the Renaissance?

A、People stopped going to church.

B、New forms of painting emerged.

C、Oil paint became very popular.

D、The humanists disappeared.

People, in different parts of the world have very different ideas about what is good to ea
t. Even when people in different countries eat the same food, they often prepare it very differently. If you were in Germany, you would find soup that is thick and heavy. If you were in China, you would find soup that is thin and clear. On holidays most of us eat special foods. Year after year, even if many other things change, the food is always the same. Sometimes housewives begin weeks in advance to prepare the special foods that are traditionally served on certain holidays.

People in different parts of the world also have different ideas about what is good to drink. Among the most popular hot drinks are coffee and tea. Coffee is very popular in northern Europe and in the Middle East. Some people put cream and sugar in their coffee. But in the United States, many people drink their coffee "black" that is without cream or sugar. Tea is the national drink in China, Japan, and other Oriental(东方的) countries. In the Orient, people drink tea without sugar. But in England where it is also a national drink, many people use both sugar and hot or cold milk in their tea.

People in different parts of the world______.

A.cook the same food in different ways

B.like the same kinds of food

C.have the same ideas about foods

D.know how to prepare the same food

Advances in science and technology and other areas...

Advances in science and technology and other areas of society in the last 100 years have transformed the way we live as well as postponing the day we die. There is no better time to be alive than now. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Model Response The last hundred years have seen rapid and dramatic developments in many areas, including medicine, transport, manufacturing and communications. Over that period our lives have changed in ways that our parents and grandparents could only have dreamed of, but the question we should ask is whether the world is a better place to live in as a result. There have clearly been many benefits. Advances in medical science have brought cures for once fatal diseases and this has significantly extended the lifespan we can expect. Information technology has allowed us to contact friends or colleagues worldwide at the click of a mouse. We can now gather information, manage our bank account or shop without having to step outside our home. In addition, labour-saving devices such as washing machines and microwave ovens have made everyday tasks much easier. However, the fact that life has improved in so many ways does not mean that all the developments have been positive. For example, the emphasis on acquiring the latest technology has made people increasingly materialistic. We also tend to lead more isolated lives than our parents did, with less concern for the elderly and other vulnerable people without the support they need. Among other serious problems we face are the drug culture, and the ever-present threat of terrorism. In summary, we have made great progress over the last hundred years but there are still many important issues to tackle. This may well be a better time to live than any previous age but hopefully the future will be better still. (268w) What approach does the essay follow?

A、argument-led approach

B、thesis-led approach

C、Neither argument-led nor thesis-led approach

D、Both argument-led and thesis-led approach

Various innovations have been introduced as ways to break off our system which forces stud
ents through a series of identical classrooms in which teachers do most of the talking and students have little opportunity to respond. Among these innovations are team teaching and teacher aides, non-graded elementary and secondary schools, independent study, curricula focused on helping students discover things for themselves rather than on trying to tell them everything, and schools designed for maximum flexibility so that students can work alone, or in small groups, or take part in large group instruction via diverse media. The aim of all these innovations is to adapt instruction more precisely to the needs of each individual student. Many people who have a strong dislike to organizing instruction scientifically and to bringing new technology into the schools and colleges fail to realize that the present system is in many respects mechanical and rigid. The vast differences in the ways students learn are disregarded when they are taught the same thing, in the same way, at the same time. There is no escaping the evidence that many students themselves feel little enthusiasm and even outright hostility for the present way schools and collages are organized and instruction is handled. Many of them resent technology, but what they object to is usually technology used as a means for handling a large number of students. Or it is programming which merely reproduces conventional classroom responds and learns, reaching new plateaus from which to climb to higher levels of understanding. Technological media can store information until it is needed or wanted. They can distribute it over distances to reach the student where he happens to be. They can present the information to the student through various senses. They can give the student the opportunity to react to the material in many ways. In short, the student's opportunities for learning can be increased and enhanced by using a wide range of instructional technology. All the available resources for instruction, including the teacher, can work together to create conditions for maximum effective learning.

The author is mainly concerned with ______.

A.providing the possibility for students to take the courses they want

B.making technology an active tool in the school

C.relieving the teacher from routine duties

D.meeting the needs of each student

How many people are suffering from labor market problems? This is one of the most critical
yet contentious social policy questions. In many ways, our social statistics exaggerate the degree of hardship. Unemployment does not have the same dire (可怕的) consequences today as it did in the 1930s when most of the unemployed were primary breadwinners, when income and earnings were usually much closer to the margin of subsistence, and when there were no countervailing social programs for those failing in the labor market. Increasing affluence, the rise of families with more than one wage earner, the growing predominance of secondary earners among the unemployed, and improved social welfare protection have unquestionably mitigated (减轻) the consequences of joblessness. Earnings and income data also overstate the dimensions of hardship. Among the millions with hourly earnings at or below the minimum wage level, the overwhelming majority is from multiple earners, relatively affluent families. Most of those counted by the poverty statistics are elderly or handicapped or have family responsibilities which keep them out of the labor force, so the poverty statistics are by no means an accurate indicator of labor market pathologies.

Yet there are also many ways our social statistics underestimate the degree of labor-market-related hardship. The unemployment counts exclude millions of fully employed workers whose wages are so low that their families remain in poverty. Low wages and repeated or prolonged unemployment frequently interact to undermine the capacity for self-support. Since the number experiencing joblessness at some time during the year is several times the number unemployed in any month, those who suffer as a result of forced idleness can equal or exceed average annual unemployment, even though only a minority of the jobless in any month really suffers. For every person counted in the monthly unemployment tallies, there is another part-time working because of the inability to find fulltime work, or else outside the labor force but wanting a job. Finally, income transfers in our country have always focused on the elderly, disabled, and dependent, neglecting the needs of the working poor, so that the dramatic expansion of cash and in kind transfers does not necessarily mean that those failings in the labor market are adequately protected.

As a result of such contradictory evidence, it is uncertain whether those suffering seriously as a result of labor market problems number in the hundreds of thousands or the tens of millions, and hence, whether high levels of joblessness can be tolerated or must be countered by job creation and economic stimulus. There is only one area of agreement in this debate—that the existing poverty, employment, and earnings statistics are inadequate for one of their primary applications, measuring the consequences of labor market problems.

Which of the following does "labor market problems" (Line 1, Para. 1) refer to?

A.Shortage of Jobs providing adequate income.

B.Deficiencies in the training of the work force.

C.Trade relationships among producers of goods.

D.The overall causes of poverty.

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