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Men differ from brutes in that they can think and speaks.

提问人:网友anonymity 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“Men differ from brutes in that…”相关的问题
Men differ from animals ______ they can think and speak.A.for whichB.for thatC.in thatD.in

Men differ from animals ______ they can think and speak.

A.for which

B.for that

C.in that

D.in which

Men differ from animals________they can think and speak.A、in thatB、butC、andD、so

Men differ from animals________they can think and speak.

A、in that




Men differ from animals ______ they can think and speak.[2008]A.or whichB.for thatC.in tha

Men differ from animals ______ they can think and speak.[2008]

A.or which

B.for that

C.in that

D.in which

New research shows that men and women may ()each other in food choices.A. differ fro

New research shows that men and women may ()each other in food choices.

A. differ from

B. suffer from

C. vary from

D. learn from

How do the speech of women and the speech of men differ from each other? 女性言语与男性

What can we infer from Mark S. George's research?A.In any point of life, more women suffer

What can we infer from Mark S. George's research?

A.In any point of life, more women suffer from depression than men do.

B.Although the reasons for depression may differ, there is the same part of brain that would act differently if people have depression, regardless of their gender.

C.Depression is the only case when men and women show difference in brain activities.

D.Men and women have differences in brain activities when in anger, anxiety and happiness.

Confidence is the personal possession of no one; the person who has it learns it and goes
on learning. The most gifted individual on earth has to construct confidence in his gifts from the basis of faith and experience, like anybody else. The tools will differ from one person to the next, but the essential task is the same. Confidence and pose are available to us all according to our abilities and needs—not somebody elses—provided we utilize our gifts and expand them. One of the most rewarding aspects of confidence is that it sits gracefully on every age and level of life on children, men, women, the famous, the obscure, rich, poor, artist, executive, teenagers, the very old. And you can take it with you into old age. There is nothing more inspiring than an old person who maintains his good will, humor, and faith in himself, in others, in the future. Conversely, the root cause of old peoples despair is a feeling of not being wanted, of nothing to contribute, no more to conquer and become.

听力原文:We can agree with primitive man that fond is a basic need. but we differ from him

听力原文: We can agree with primitive man that fond is a basic need. but we differ from him in our food wants because of the wide variety of food we have available compared with him; we have a wider choice. Take fruit for example, not only can we enjoy the fruits grown in his century, but because of modern methods of transport and food preservation, we can also enjoy more fruits from foreign countries, whereas primitive man is limited in his choice to the kinds of fruit which actually grow where he lives.

However they differ in satisfying their hunger, primitive and civilized men both experience the basic need for food.

The same is true of the second of our human needs. Clothing is necessary m regulate the heat of our bodies. Since we live in a temperate climate we need more clothes than people living in tropical conditions. Likewise. our clothing needs to change with the seasons.

Shelter, the third of our needs, depends upon the climate, the skill of the builder, one's social position, and the materials, available. The simple shelter of primitive man would not do for us, and yet it satisfies his needs. The three- bedroom suburban house of the average family would not be grand enough for a rich family, and yet the modem house contains many of the material comforts which were denied to the Kings and Queens of old.


A.Food is no longer a basic need for us, while it was for primitive people.

B.We eat a wide variety of food.

C.We no longer eat fruit that primitive people ever ate.

D.We eat more food than primitive people did.

听力原文:We can agree with primitive man that food is a basic need, but we differ from him

听力原文: We can agree with primitive man that food is a basic need, but we differ from him in our food wants because of the wide variety of food we have available compared with him; we have a wider choice. Take fruit for example, not only can we enjoy the fruits grown in his century, but because of modern methods of transport and food preservation, we can also enjoy the more fruits from foreign countries thou- sands of miles away, whereas primitive man is limited in his choice to the kinds of fruit which actually grow where he lives.

However they differ in satisfying their hunger, primitive and civilized men both experience the basic need for food.

The same is true of the second of our human need. Clothing is necessary to regulate the heat of our bodies. Since we live in a temperate climate we need more clothes than people living in tropic conditions. Likewise, our clothing needs to change with seasons.

Shelter, the third of our needs, depends upon the climate, the skill of the builder, one's social position, and the materials available. The simple shelter of primitive man would not do for us, and yet it satisfies his needs. The three- bedroom suburban house of the average family would not be grand enough for a rich family, and yet the modern house contains many of the material comforts which were denied to the Kings and Queens of old.


A.Food is no longer a basic need for us, while it was for primitive people.

B.We eat a wide variety of food.

C.We no longer eat fruit that primitive people ever ate.

D.We eat more food than primitive people do.

Many IQ tests show that there are no significant differences in the mean, or average score
s of IQ tests between men and women. When a new IQ test, is being constructed, it is quite easy to find test(51)that are not answered correctly(52)the same proportions of men and women,(53)these are usually then eliminated from the test. So, to some(54)the fact that no differences are to be found in our current IQ tests between the(55)for the two sexes is hardly surprising.

There are,(56), differences in the standard deviations(偏差)or variability of the(57) of the two sexes in many IQ tests,(58)men showing the greater variation. The(59)of many IQ test scores are such(60)they approximate to the normal curve(正规曲线). If we regard some arbitrary lower score on a test as a classification like "educational subnormal(智力上逊常的人)" (ESN) and some equally arbitrary(61)score as "gifted", we then find that there is higher ratio of ESN males to women and likewise we(62)that there are more gifted men than women, even though the average scores are the same.

The(63)of men and women are known to differ somewhat in size, with women having about 200g less tissue(64)the other hand, they also tend to(65)less body mass, and over the phylogenetic(系统发育的)scale, the best index of species intelligence is the ratio of body mass to brain size.





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