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Some cultures have customs that_____the clothing fashions of people in certain social clas






提问人:网友yunjian1987 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“Some cultures have customs tha…”相关的问题
Cultures and families () different naming customs.

A. have

B. small

C. some

D. and

Which areas have the characteristics of high context cultures?

A、Some European countries

B、Some Asian countries

C、Some African countries

D、Some countries in North America

What are some features of high context cultures?

A、Foster long-lasting relationships

B、Require little explanation

C、Have stronger boundaries

D、Can not be defined

Which one is not true according to the article?A.In some ways, corporate and outside gen

A.In some ways, corporate and outside general cultures are always connecte

B.There are only three ways of classifying corporate environments.

C.The cultures found in businesses have traits that are not common to groups outside companies.

D.Most businesses value a hierarchy system, for instance, such as low-level employee, manager, and CEO.

Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each p

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

听力原文: Biologists insist that we humans share a common ancestry with all animals, and that humans are simply one very special animal which has evolved physical and cultural behavior. that makes humans unique 'as the dominant animal on the Earth.

Do you know that humans and apes have a genetic structure, in their DNA hereditary material which is more than 98% the same? This should not be misunderstood as a negative comment about humans, but as a positive comment a bout the other animals with which we share our world. Even simpler animals have many of the same genetic sequences of DNA, which permit them to carry on many of the same chemical activities in their body cells as we humans do. The process of energy production in human—technically called respiration—is nearly identical to that of tigers and birds!

Do animals have a culture? Yes, even scholars in the social sciences now insist that animals do have cultures, each type of animal having its unique cultural characteristics.

As part of their culture, we now recognize that some animals make and use tools, some animals can clearly share knowledge with one another, and some animals have some sort of language with which they can communicate. While these animal cultures have their limitation, it is possible to share our cultures with one another, and this has been done for many centuries. From the time that primitive man domesticated animals we have shared cultures with these animals. Sharing common resources as well as in related behavior, man is not alone in his environment.


A.Special ancestry and genetic structures

B.Physical and cultural behaviors

C.Mental and physical movements

D.Mental behaviors and genetic structures

The fact that the Asian volunteers confused some facial expressions shows that _________
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A.different cultures have different facial expressions

B.people of different backgrounds share similar facial expressions

C.Easterners have a more complex system of facial expressions

D.Westerners and Easterners express their emotions in similar ways

The Asian volunteers may have focused on the eyes because__________.

A.Easterners believe using the eyes to express feelings is more subtle

B.it"s polite to focus on other people"s eyes in some Asian cultures

C.Easterners tend to use the eyes to express their emotions

D.it"s easier for Easterners to communicate using the eyes

Choosing a husband or wife is one of the most important decisions in a person‘s life. In many cultures, young men and women are(21)to choose their own marriage partners. In some cultures, however, parents(22)he right to arrange their children‘s marriages. Such arranged marriages have both advantages and disadvantages.

One advantage of having parents arrange a marriage is financial(23). Of course, money doesn‘t automatically bring happiness,but a(24)of money certainly causes stress in any relationship. A second advantage of an arranged marriage is that parents may(25)a better choice than their children. They are not only older but also more(26)in life experience.Also,parents have been married; therefore, they know better what qualities are(27)in a spouse.

On the other hand, arranged marriages may have some disadvantages. One obvious disadvantage is that parents may choose a wrong person in(28), and the young couple may never be happy together. A second obvious disadvantage is that a young man or woman may already have(29)in love with someone else. If the parents force their children to tie the knot, the result will be a disaster to all concerned.

In conclusion, neither an arranged marriage nor a marriage for love is a good(30)to be happy. Both kinds of marriages take work, patience, and perhaps a little bit of luck.

A) dictate B) deserve C) make D) reserveE)charity F) formula G) security H) demandingI) daring J) fallen K)lack L) desirableM) available N) haste O) superior

As an anthropologist, I was skeptical about the ability to define and select intangible cu
ltural treasures and address the many questions that could be raised about the concept. But one could take heart that in the age of globalization, local cultures have survived, and sometimes even flourished. One would appreciate that in an age of constant innovation, tradition had some lasting value. The power and tenacity of the selected traditions and their practitioners was palpable. One can only hope that with local, national, and now international action plans in place, they will continue to inspire future generations.

Focus the connectives in the following text, choos...

Focus the connectives in the following text, choose the correct type of logical relation each connective express. She further stated that Mikaye found no anxious/avoidant children, because many Japanese mothers rarely left their child at 12 months, so being alone, or even with a stranger would have been extremely upsetting (Brain, 2002). Some psychologists however, claim that the strange situation test is not an accurate way to define attachment types, as they do not take into account the effect of cultural differences on attachment. An example of this is that in some cultures children are often put into day care, this could be confounding, because those children will have learnt that their mothers will return, and will not find the strange situation test as distressing as others (Cowie et al., 1991). There have also been found to be certain flaws in some of the studies upon which Bowlby based his theories. The major concern with ‘imprinting’ for example, is that it is based upon birds and mammals, rather than primates. The logical relation the connective "because" expresses is _____________.





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