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The ATMs enable bank customers to access their money 24 hours a day and seven days a week

______ ATMs are located.





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更多“The ATMs enable bank customers…”相关的问题
The ATMs enable bank customers (access) ______ their money 24 hours a day and seven days a

The ATMs enable bank customers (access) ______ their money 24 hours a day and seven days a week wherever ATMs are located.

What is NOT true about the bank?A.They have 65 branches.B.All branches are open until 7:00

What is NOT true about the bank?

A.They have 65 branches.

B.All branches are open until 7:00 p.m. on weekdays.

C.They have more than 160 ATMs in Hawaii.

D.Some branches are open on holidays.

How ATMs Work?You're short on cash, so you walk over to the automated teller machine (ATM)

How ATMs Work?

You're short on cash, so you walk over to the automated teller machine (ATM) ,insert your card into the card reader, respond to the prompts on the screen, and within a minute you walk away with your money and a receipt. Have you ever wondered about the process that makes your bank funds available to you at an ATM on the other side of the country?

ATM Card vs. Check Card

As an alternative to writing checks and using a credit card, most major banks have teamed up with major credit-card companies to issue check cards.

Check cards are different from straight ATM cards in a couple of ways. First, check cards are also known as debit cards because of how they work--instead of getting credit for your purchase and receiving a monthly bill, like you do with a credit card, a check/debit card deducts money from your checking or savings account.

Also, while you can only use your ATM card at the ATM machine (and some grocery stores), you can use a check card at most retailers that accept credit cards.

There are exceptions. Some hotels and rental car services only accept credit cards because it's easier, cheaper, and less of a risk to them than check cards. Those that do accept check cards often put a certain amount of money in your bank account "on hold" (unavailable to you)-usually the cost of the room or rental including taxes and other fees, plus a percentage of the total or a fee to cover possible damages. When you check out of the hotel or turn in your rental car, the difference between the" hold" amount and what you're actually billed .is released back into your account: This is something to consider when using your debit card to reserve a hotel room or rent a car.

The Way ATMs Work

An ATM is simply a data terminal with two input and four output devices. Like any other data terminal, the ATM has to connect to, and communicate through, a host processor. The host processor is analogous to an Internet service provider (ISP) in that it is the gateway through which all the various ATM networks become available to the cardholder (the person wanting the cash).

Most host processors can support either leased-line or dial-up machines. Leased-line machines connect directly to the host processor through a four-wire, point-to-point, dedicated telephone line. Dial-up ATMs connect to the host processor through a normal phone line using a modem and a toll-free number, or through an Internet service provider using a local access number dialed by modem.

Leased-line ATMs are preferred for very high-volume locations because of their thru-put capability, and dial-up ATMs are preferred for retail merchant locations where cost is a greater factor than thru-put. The initial cost for a dial-up machine is less than half that for a leased-line machine. The monthly operating costs for dial-up are only a fraction of the costs for leased-line.

The host processor may be owned by a bank or financial institution, or it may be owned by an independent service provider. Bank-owned processors normally support only bank-owned machines, whereas the independent processors support merchant-owned machines.

Sensing Bills

The cash-dispensing mechanism has an electric eye that counts each bill as it exits the dispenser. The bill count and all of the information pertaining to a particular transaction is recorded in a journal. The journal information is printed out periodically and a hard copy is maintained by the machine owner for two years. Whenever a cardholder has a dispute about a transaction, he or she can ask for a journal printout showing the transaction, and then contact the host processor. If no one is available to provide the journal printout, the cardholder needs to notify the bank or institution that issued the card and fill out a form. that will be faxed to the host processor. It is the host proc




TheATMs enable bank customers to access their money 24 hours a day________ATMs are located





Credit cards enable their holders to obtain goods and services on credit. They are issued
by retail stores, banks, credit-card companies to approved clients. The bank or credit-card company settles the client's bills, invoicing him monthly and charging interest on any outstanding debts.

Open an AccountOur application forms make it easier for you to apply for several of our pr

Open an Account

Our application forms make it easier for you to apply for several of our products and services at your convenience.

Please follow these steps to help us expedite your application:

1. Select the application — Click your desired product or service below.

2. Print the application — Print or type the information clearly in blue or black ink to help us correctly read the information. Some of the information marked with "finable" means you can type directly on the form. via your computer.

3. Review and sign the application — Review the application to ensure that all necessary information has been included. Then, sign and date the application.

4. Apply - After completing the application, please bring it into any of our conveniently located branches.


American Savings Bank

American Savings Bank has nearly 65 branches ready to serve you. We're open as late as 7:00 p.m. on weekdays, until 4:00 p.m. on Saturdays, weekends and holidays at select branches. You can use over 160 ATMs throughout Hawaii, open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It's never been more convenient to bank with us!

Who is most likely to be interested in the information?

A.People applying for a loan.

B.People wishing to open an account.

C.People looking for the branches.

D.People seeking a job.

听力原文:Under the general rules, once the documents are passed to the remitting bank by t
he drawer, the bank has an absolute right over the goods through the title documents.


A.Once the title documents are entrusted, the goods are at the disposal of the collecting bank.

B.The title documents enable the remitting bank to dispose the goods according to the instruction given in the collection order.

C.The title documents are usually issued by the drawee.

D.In spite of the possession of the title documents, the bank can not deal with the goods without the allowance of the drawer.

A Red Clause Documentary Credit is a Documentary Credit with a special condition incorpora
ted into it that authorizes the Confirming Bank or any other Nominated Bank to make advances to the Beneficiary before presentation of the documents.

The clause is incorporated at the specific request of the Applicant, and the wording is de- pendent upon his requirements. The Red Clause Documentary Credit is so called because the clause was originally written in red ink to draw attention to the unique nature of this Documentary Credit. The clause specifies the amount of the advance authorized, which, in some in- stances, may be for the full amount of the Documentary Credit.

The Red Clause Documentary Credit is often used as a method of providing the seller with funds prior to shipment. Therefore, it is of value to middlemen and dealers in areas of commerce that require to a form. of pre - financing and when a buyer would be willing to make special concessions of this nature.

For example, it could be used by a wool importer in England to enable a wool shipper in Australia to obtain funds to pay the actual suppliers (either by direct purchase or through the wool auctions) by obtaining a loan from the Australian bank, either on an unsecured basis or against the security of interim documents. This would enable repayment of the loan, plus interest, from the proceeds due to the Australian Beneficiary when the wool was shipped and documents were presented in accordance with the terms of the Documentary Credit. If, however, the Beneficiary failed to ship the wool so as to repay the loan by presenting documents called for by the Documentary Credit, the Australian bank would have the right to demand repayment, with interest, from the Issuing Bank and that bank would have a similar right of recourse against the Applicant.

This kind of arrangement places the onus of final repayment on the applicant, who would be liable for repayment of the advances if the Beneficiary failed to present the documents called for under the Documentary Credit, and who would also be liable for all costs--such as interest or foreign exchange hedging-- incurred by the Issuing Bank, the Confirming Bank, if any, or any other Nominated Bank.

What does a Red Clause Documentary Credit mean?

A.It is a kind of Documentary Credit with a special condition incorporated into it that authorizes the Confirming Bank to make loans to the sellers prior to shipment.

B.It is a Documentary Credit without recourse as a "Confirming Bank" to the Issuing Bank, which clearly did not request or authorizes the bank to "add its confirmation".

C.It is a Documentary Credit with a special condition incorporate into it that authorizes the Confirming Bank or any other Nominated Bank to provide the Beneficiary with funds before presentation of the documents.

D.It is a Documentary Credit that may provide for automatic reinstatement immediately upon presentation of the specified documents.

听力原文: There are very often strong opinions expressed / about what makes a good wine. A
t a simple level, a good wine is one that you enjoy drinking. But why do you prefer one wine to another?

To judge a wine there are three basic senses / that have to be employed: the sense of sight, the sense of smell, and the sense of taste. Of these three, taste is by far the most complex, but sight and smell are powerful. The wrong colour or the wrong smell enable a wine / to be discarded without taste even being involved.

Having examined the wine, you can now get on and drink it. But try and remember your conclusions, for it is only by building up your own personal taste bank memory / that you can progress as a wine taster, h is not difficult, and it is great fun. Cheers!


Computers are permeating almost every aspect of our lives, including many areas previously
untouched by technology. 1. But unlike such other pervasive technologies as electricity, television and the motor car, computers are on the whole less reliable and less predictable in their behavior. This is because they are discrete state digital electronic devices that are prone to total and catastrophic failure. Computer systems, when they are "down," are completely down, unlike electromechanical devices, which may be only partially down and are thus partially usable.

Computers enable enormous quantities of information to be stored, retrieved, and transmitted at great speed on a scale not possible before. 2. This is all very well, but it has serious implications for data security and personal privacy because computers are inherently insecure. The recent activities of hackers and data thieves in the United States, Germany, and Britain have shown how all-too-easy it still is to break into even the most sophisticated financial and military systems. The list of scams perpetrated by the new breed of high-tech criminals, ranging from fraud in airline-ticket reservations to the reprogramming of the chips inside mobile phones, is growing daily.

Computers systems are often incredibly complex--so complex, in fact, that they are not always understood even by their creators (although few are willing to admit it). This often makes them completely unmanageable. Unmanageable complexity, can result in massive foul-ups or spectacular budget "runaways." For example, Jeffrey Rothfeder in Business Week reports that Bank of America in 1988 had to abandon a $20-million computer system after spending five years and a further $60 million trying to make it work. Allstate Insurance saw the cost of its new system rise from $8 million to a staggering $100 million and estimated completion was delayed from 1987 to 1993. Moreover, the problem seems to be getting worse: in 1988 the American Arbitration Association took on 190 computer disputes, most of which involved defective systems. The claims totaled $200 million--up from only $31 million in 1984.

3. Complexity can also result in disaster: no computer is 100 percent guaranteed because it is virtually impossible to anticipate all sorts of critical applications, such as saving lives, flying aircraft, running nuclear power stations, transferring vast sums of money, and controlling missile systems--sometimes with tragic consequences. For example, between 1982 and 1987, some twenty-two servicemen died in five separate crashes of the United States Air Force's sophisticated Blackhawk helicopter before the problem was traced to its computer-based "fly-by-wire" system. At least two people died after receiving overdoses of radiation emitted by the computerized Therac 25 X-ray machines, and there are many other examples of fatal computer-based foul-ups.

Popular areas for less life-threatening computer malfunctions include telephone billing and telephone switching software, and bank-teller machines, electronic funds-transfer systems, and motor-vehicle license data bases. Although computers have often taken the "blame" on these occasions, the ultimate cause of failure in most cases is, in fact, human error.

Every new technology creates new problems as well as new benefits for society, and computers are no exception. 4. But digital computers have rendered society especially vulnerable to hardware and software malfunctions. Sometimes industrial robots go crazy, while heart pacemakers and automatic garage door openers are rendered useless by electromagnetic radiation or "electronic smog" emitted from point-of-sale terminals, personal computers, and video games. Automated teller machines (ATMs) and pumps at gas stations are closed down because of unforeseen software snafus.

The cost of all this downtime is huge. 5. For example, it has

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