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One reason why some managers try to change a company's corporate culture is thatA.the exis

One reason why some managers try to change a company's corporate culture is that

A.the existing corporate culture is very strong.

B.they try to adapt the corporate culture to new situations.

C.the company is facing a lot of competition.

D.they are not so conservative as the old generation.

提问人:网友jhonmary 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“One reason why some managers t…”相关的问题
Why does the author mention syllables pronounced with rising and falling inflections in li
nes 7-8 ?

A.To demonstrate how difficult it is for babies to interpret emotions

B.To illustrate that a six-week-old baby can already distinguish some language differences

C.To provide an example of ways adults speak to babies

D.To give a reason for babies' difficulty in distinguishing one adult from another

What can we learn from the last but one paragraph?A.The reason why seniors put money into

What can we learn from the last but one paragraph?

A.The reason why seniors put money into schools is to evade taxes on earnings.

B.Giving away one"s money can ensure his descendants a better education.

C.Donors have no right to change the beneficiary once designated in the college savings plan.

D.Seniors can add some of their wishes to trust agreements to ensure their money is well spent.

Here are some short summaries. Each one goes with ...

Here are some short summaries. Each one goes with one of the paragraphs [A–J], but they are not in the correct order. Can you put them in the correct sequence? 1) Although many Africans are multilingual, they often don’t speak English because it is less useful to them than the languages they do speak. 2) Despite the strong position of English in the world, the long-term trend may be for it to become less important. 3) English first became internationally important because of England’s historical role in the world. 4) Generally, only certain types of people are effective users of English as a foreign language. The situation is not likely to change in the future. 5) Important international uses of English mean that people who speak it are often in a better position than those who don’t. 6) One reason why regional languages are becoming more important is that various government and religious organizations throughout the world are encouraging their use. 7) Regional languages will become increasingly important as a way of facilitating communication in places where local languages are spoken. 8) The use of English is growing throughout the world in an uncontrolled fashion. 9) There are a number of reasons why English is currently increasing in international importance. Some of them are less obvious than others. 10) The demand for regional languages is increasing rapidly. Par. A: __8)__ Par. B: ______ Par. C: ______ Par. D: ______ Par. E: ______ Par. F: ______ Par. G: ______ Par. H: ______ Par. I: ______ Par. J: ______

— Read the article on the opposite page about why some small companies fail to grow.— Choo

— Read the article on the opposite page about why some small companies fail to grow.

— Choose the best word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D below.

— For each question 19 - 33, mark one fetter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Why do some small companies stay small?

It is often assumed that if a small company fails to (0)______, it is because of external factors. So it may come as something of a surprise to discover that many small companies have only themselves to (19)______ for their lack of growth. In fact, if you run a small business, you shouldn't waste much time wondering whether you have (20)______ to investment capital; still less, analysing fluctuations in (21)______ exchange rates. You are more likely to (22)______ the main barrier to greater success by looking in the mirror.

This is a conclusion that can be (23)______ from a recent study based on interviews with the owner-managers of 40 small businesses. The research makes the reason (24)______ : management behaviour, however well intentioned, is often the (25)______ of the problem. This was the overwhelming view (26)______ by the managers surveyed: the main barrier to growth was the fact that day-to-day issues (27)______ all their time. The problems that many larger businesses face - lack of funds and insufficient government support - were of relatively minor (28)______ for these small companies.

The survey shows that while owner-managers often work very hard running their business, many never take it on to the next (29)______ The reason is that they are too busy (30)______ their sales, marketing and finance functions. Limited resources may (31)______ to this, but many owner-managers are unwilling to delegate even insignificant decisions. As a result, without realizing it, they create a style. of working that (32)______ them from moving forward. One of the most important lessons for managers is learning to let go, very few people can do everything themselves. Instead they need to hire staff able to take (33)______ some of their responsibilities.





听力原文:Why de people smoke? One reason is that people become dependent on cigarettes. Th

听力原文: Why de people smoke? One reason is that people become dependent on cigarettes. The substance which people cannot resist in cigarettes is nicotine. When people smoke the nicotine goes directly into the blood stream and makes people feel relaxed. A smoker's body gets accustomed to the nicotine and if he stops smoking he feels nervous. Many smokers try to stop smoking but because of their dependence on nicotine they feel so uncomfortable that they often find it too hard to stop.

Another reason is that people simply enjoy smoking and what it symbolizes. Having a cigarette for many people means taking a break. For some people smoking becomes part of certain social forms, for example, the cigarette after dinner. Many people enjoy smoking because it makes their hands busy.

Many people also like the taste of tar in cigarettes. However, it is the tar that causes cancer. While governments and health experts have tried to make people give up smoking entirely, cigarette manufacturers have to keep selling them by producing cigarettes with less tar. Many people in western countries have welcomed these cigarettes since they find it difficult to stop smoking but want to reduce its risk.

Why are so many people dependent on cigarette?

A.Because they like the taste of tar.

B.Because smoking makes them feel relaxed.

C.Because smoking is funny.

D.Because smoking cures disease.

听力原文:Why do people want to save the Whales? There are two important reasons. One reaso

听力原文: Why do people want to save the Whales? There are two important reasons. One reason is that whales help to keep a balance between plants and animals. People have disturbed this balance. People get rid of their wastes by throwing them into the oceans and seas. People's sewage and garbage increase the salt in ocean and sea water. The increased salt helps some plants and some very small animals to grow. These plants and animals can be harmful to fish. Whales eat enormous amount of plants and animals that grow in very salty water. Therefore, whales are very important because they keep the ocean environment clean enough for fish. In addition, because fish provide necessary food for many people, people need whales, and many people want to save them.


A.Because whales keep a balance between plants and animals on land.

B.Because whales eat a lot of fish.

C.Because whales eat large amounts of garbage.

D.Because whales keep oceans clean for fish, and people need fish.

听力原文:M: One of the most common questions we ask about people's behavior. is "why". Why
did she say this?" Why did he do that? Sometimes the reason is obvious, for example, someone is driving down the street, the light turns red, they stop, why?

W: Because they have to, legally I mean.

M: Exactly! In this case the reason is obvious, so we usually don't question it. But when the reason is not so obvious and especially when the behavior. could have negative consequences we'll more likely to feel a need to explain the causes of the behavior. Social psychologists have a term for this, for the process of explaining the causes of the behavior, it's called "causal attribution". And one theory suggests, there's a pattern in the way we go about attributing causes to people's behavior. According to this theory, there are two categories of reasons: internal factors and external factors. Again, Lisa, say you're driving down the road and all of a sudden some guy turns into the lane right in front of you, and you have to slam on your brakes to avoid an accident. How do you react?

W: I'll probably get very angry.

M: Because ...

W: Well, he's not paying attention, he's a bad driver.

M: So you automatically attribute the driver's behavior. to an internal factor. He himself is to blame because he is careless.

W: So if I said it was because of heavy traffic or something, I'd be attributing his behavior. to an external factor, something beyond his control.

M: Good. Now how do we usually explain our own negative behavior?

W: We blame external factors.

M: That's right.


A.Common causes of anger.

B.Judging people's behavior.

C.Changing people's attitudes.

D.The effects of negative behavior.

There is one fairly standard reason why some thinkers regard the meaning-of-life question
as being itself meaningless. They argue【51】meaning is a matter of language, not objects. It is a【52】of the way we talk about things, not a feature of things themselves,【53】shape, weight or colour. A cabbage or a computer is not meaningful in itself; it becomes【54】only by being caught up in our conversation. On this theory, we can make life【55】by our talk about it; but it cannot have a meaning in itself,【56】than a cloud can. It would not【57】sense, for example, to speak of a cloud as being true or false.【58】, truth and falsehood are function of our human judgments about clouds. However, there are problems with this argument,【59】there are with most philosophical arguments. We shall be【60】a few of them later on.






听力原文:M: One of the most common questions we ask about people's behavior. is why. Why d
id she say this? Why did he do that? Sometimes the reason is obvious, for example, someone is driving down the street, the light turns red, and they stop, why?

W: Because they have to, legally I mean.

M: Exactly! In this case the reason is obvious, so we usually don't question it. But when the reason is not so obvious and especially when the behavior. could have negative consequences, we'll more likely to feel a need to explain the causes of the behavior. Social psychologists have a term for this, for the process of explaining the causes of the behavior, it's called "causal attribution". And one theory suggests, there's a pattern in the way we go about attributing causes to people's behavior. According to this theory, there are two categories of reasons: internal factors and external factors. Again, Lisa, say you're driving down the road and all of a sudden some guy turns into the lane right in front of you, and you have to slam on your brakes to avoid an accident. How do you react?

W: I'll probably get very angry.

M: Because...

W: Well, he's not paying attention, he's a bad driver.

M: So you automatically attribute the driver's behavior. to an internal factor. He himself is to blame because he is careless.

W: So if I said it was because of heavy traffic or something, I'd be attributing his behavior. to an external factor, something beyond his control.

M: Good. Now how do we usually explain our own negative behavior?

W: We blame external factors.

M: That's right.


A.Common causes of anger.

B.Judging people's behavior.

C.Changing people's attitudes.

D.The effects of negative behavior.

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