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听力原文:VIENNA The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries holds an emergency meeti

听力原文: VIENNA

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries holds an emergency meeting in Vienna Sunday to discuss an increase in the production of crude oil. Delegates from the 11 member nations of OPEC gather for the second time in a month at their Vienna headquarters. The cartel is expected to increase its official output quota, some officials speculate, by one million, or 1.5 million barrels per day, to make up the shortfall caused by a six-week strike in Venezuela, a major supplier to the United States. Saudi Arabia wants a bigger increase, but Algeria and Libya are pressing for a million barrel per day increase, which would represent about a four percent rise over the current output of 23 million barrels per day.


Iraq asked the United Nations to continue providing humanitarian aid despite cutting off exports of crude oil under the UN's oil-for-food programme, UN officials said.

The Iraqi ambassador to the UN, Saeed Hasan, met on Tuesday with programme director Benon Sevan and Iraq "wanted the UN to continue normal operations," UN spokesman Fred Eekhard told reporters.

The spokesman for the programme, John Mills, said "humanitarian supplies will continue to arrive and be distributed in Iraq." On Monday, the UN said that Iraq had stopped pumping oil through the 960-kilometre pipeline to Turkish port of Ceyhan.


For the first time in its 42-year history, the European Union (EU) staged a joint meeting of foreign affairs and defence ministers to debate how the union can acquire a security dimension consistent with its economic strength.

During that meeting, Britain and France proposed that Europe, by either 2002 or 2003, should possess the capacity to deploy a rapid reaction force of some 50,000 troops in a peacekeeping operation in or around the EU.

The proposal received a strong response, which is indicative that the EU is making concrete efforts to bolster its military clout in Europe.


A high percentage of blacks, Hispanics and other minorities in the US military complained in a survey of more than 40,000 US troops, and one in five blacks responding also said they felt race relations played a negative part in their prospects for promotion or assignment. But the survey, taken in 1997, indicated that military personnel felt Pentagon efforts to promote good race relations and equal opportunity were succeeding and that discrimination in uniform. was far less pronounced than in other areas of American life.


Japan's trade surplus plunged 14.4 percent in October from its level a year ago, the government said yesterday.

Government officials blamed the strong yen for severely damaging exports.

The trade surplus dropped to US $11.2 billion, the Finance Ministry reported, making October the seventh month in a row for a drop in the trade surplus. "Japan's exports have been pressed by the sharp appreciation of the yen against the US dollar, which mainly contributed to the surplus fall," said Naoko Ogata, an analyst at the Sakura Research Institute. "With the yen rising to current levels, exporters are finding it difficult to make a profit. "


6. Which country is pressing for an increase of a million barrels per day?

7.What did the Iraqi ambassador ask the United Nations to do?

8.What was proposed at the joint meeting staged by the European Union?

9.What was disclosed in a survey released by the US Defence Department on Tuesday?

10.As compared with the same period last year, how much did Japan's trade surplus drop?


A.Algeria and Libya.

B.Saudi Arabia.

C.Venezuela and Algeria.


提问人:网友psk091210 发布时间:2022-01-07
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A.John Strauss.




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A.They liked them very much.

B.They hated it very much.

C.They were afraid it was causing the public disturbance.

D.They were afraid they were totally tired after dancing.

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M: Oh, hello, I wonder if you could help me. Er... do you have any flights from Amsterdam to Vienna and back?

W: Yes, we have a flight every day, every morning, except on Saturdays.

M: So the flight does operate on Sundays, then.

W: It leaves at eight oh five. That's flight number KL two five five, and it arrives in Vienna at nine forty-five.

M: And how much is a return ticket, please?

W: You want Amsterdam-Vienna return price, do you?

M: Yes, that's right.

W: The price of the return ticket is fourteen hundred Dutch Guilders.

M: Thanks a lot. Goodbye.

8: What is the woman's occupation?


A.An air hostess.

B.An airline clerk.

C.An operator.

D.An airline manager.

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n the region where the country's first outbreak of the deadly H5N1 strain in poultry has been discovered. Maharashtra state's minister for animal husbandry says 50,000 birds have died in a poultry farm north of Bombay. In Vienna, Austrian officials say the H5N1 virus is spreading in that country, with a discovery of a dead swan in the city and other birds in the countryside. Earlier, Indonesia's health ministry said US health officials confirmed the latest bird flu death in Indonesia. And Hong Kong, officials said a dead magpie was infected with the deadly strain.

Several Indians are being tested for ______.

A.the SARS

B.the AIDS

C.the bird flu

D.the TB

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evices, aiming to reduce the threat from nuclear terrorism. The delegates adopted a draft amendment from China tightening aspects of the 1980 Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material. The amended convention will make it "legally binding" for states to protect all nuclear facilities and materials in use, storage or transport. The previous convention only dealt with fissile materials while in transport. The treaty also provides for expanded international cooperation to prevent nuclear theft.

The 1980 convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material ________.

A.made it "legally binding" for states to protect all nuclear facilities and materials

B.dealt with the protection of nuclear facilities and materials not only in transport but also in use and storage

C.also provided for expanded international cooperation to prevent nuclear theft.

D.only dealt with fissile materials while in transport.

听力原文:There is a widespread assumption that work gets harder after 40. But in most orga

听力原文: There is a widespread assumption that work gets harder after 40. But in most organizations work gets dramatically easier after 40.

The responsibilities may be heavier, but after 40 you should be valued for your experience, know-how and judgment, rather than for the ability to work 18 hours every day. Most of the major rewards of success tend to accumulate after the age of 40—if you do the right things before that watershed birthday.

What are the right things? First of all, do your homework; learn every thing you need to know about your business or profession before 40. Second, develop your own style. Before you're 40, learn what you're comfortable with, whether it's in the way you dress or simply the small touches that set you apart: Third, put your emotional life in order, if possible. It's a great help, when climbing toward the higher rungs of the career ladder, to be happy in life, rather than to find yourself mired in emotional crises. It's hard enough to succeed without taking on personal problems that sap your energy and divert your attention. Besides, unhappiness is like a disease—it gradually eclipses interest in everything else.

Fourth, know your weaknesses. Accept the things you don't do well, can't stand, won't do.

Fifth, know your strengths. You'd better decide what you're good at, too, and recognize the things you enjoy doing and do better than anyone else. Whatever your role, knowing who you are and what you're good at is critical for success.

31. What is the common opinion about age and work?

A.Work gets a lot easier after the age of 40.

B.Most of one's work is done before the age of 40.

C.There isn't much work to do after the age of 40.

D.Work gets more difficult after the age of 40.

听力原文:Ludwig Beethoven was born in Bonn, in the Rhineland. His father was a professiona

听力原文: Ludwig Beethoven was born in Bonn, in the Rhineland. His father was a professional musician in the Court of The Elector of Cologne; he was often drunk, and he was a hard task-master to his son. Ludwig began learning violin and piano when he was only 5, and by the time he was 8 years old the began giving public concerts. He received very little education apart from music, but he was fortunate in having a good music teacher, the court organist, who recognized his abilities and taught him well. When he was 14, Ludwig was appointed second court organist, a post which gave him some opportunity to travel. He visited Vienna, where Mozart heard him play and said, "Watch that young fellow; he is going to cause a stir in the world." When he was 16 his mother died, and three years later his father was dismissed from his post at Court. Ludwig, with characteristic loyalty and devotion to his family, accepted responsibility both for his father and his two younger brothers.

Throughout his life Beethoven produced numerous musical works. First and foremost, Beethoven was a composer of extended music, that is, long works in several movements. His masterpieces remain the greatest and most personal compositions of one of the world's greatest musical thinkers. No composer has put more of himself into his music; everything he left, from anger to tenderness, from misery to hope is found there.


A.At five.

B.At six.

C.At eight.

D.At twelve.

听力原文:Ludwig Van Beethoven was born in Bonn in 1770. Beethoven's first lessons for pian

听力原文: Ludwig Van Beethoven was born in Bonn in 1770. Beethoven's first lessons for piano and violin were from his father. He also studied with Haydon. In 1792 Beethoven came to Vienna, where he decided to stay and try to make a career for himself. In summer months he liked to spend as much time as possible away from the bustle of Vienna. He enjoyed his stays in villages around the city. He liked the peaceful and simple life of the countryside. It was there that he composed both the Fifth and Sixth Symphonies.

Beethoven sympathized with republican ideas. He took great interest in the French Revolution and the birth of the French Republic. He admired its leader, Napoleon, and intended to dedicate his Third or Eroica Symphony to him. However when he was told that Napoleon had crowned himself emperor, the composer was disgusted and changed his mind.

As 1809 drew to its close, Beethoven produced several major works. In May 1809 Haydon died. There was no one to challenge Beethoven to be the musical king of Vienna. At the end of 1813, the Seventh Symphony was performed for the first time.

Beethoven's last years were marked by illness on the one hand and monumental masterpieces on the other. His deafness made it impossible to conduct his works or even perform. any more. Between 1819 and 1823 he composed his Ninth Symphony and some more piano sonatas. Those, together with the late string quartets, were the last works from this great man.


A.In Bonn.

B.In Vienna.

C.In France..

D.In Haarlem.

听力原文:Amy Johnson was a very ambitious and energetic person. She studied at a universit
y and later took a job as a typist. Although she was enthusiastic and did her best, she made many mistakes and was poorly paid. She didn't want to be a typist, anyway, she dreamed of becoming a pilot!

Amy moved to London, borrowed some money, and learned to fly. Nobody, however, wanted to hire a female pilot. She decided to fly alone to Australia to prove that she could fly as well as any man. Her parents lent her money to buy an airplane.

Amy set off on May 5, 1930. Her route took her over Vienna, Constantinople, and Baghdad. She was caught in a sandstorm and had to make an emergency landing in the desert. But she landed in India six days later. She had broken the record to India by two days. After experiencing some more hardship, she finally reached Australia. Amy had proven that she could fly and that a woman could do most anything she really put her mind to.


A.She didn't want to be a typist.

B.She was not enthusiastic about typing.

C.She was not energetic enough to do the job.

D.She never went to a university.

听力原文: Having lived in New York for several years, Alan Johnson decided to say good-bye
to the city. He does so not because it is dirty; there are cities far dirtier than New York. Not because it is jammed; there are cities far more crowded. Not because it is displeasing, there are cities far more unpleasant. As long as there is something you are fond of there, you will like it. If Vienna is known for its excessive care for its inhabitants, Paris for its pride in what it has fulfilled, then New York is known for its disregard of whatever may happen to its inhabitants. "Indifference" is the word for New York's character. As might be expected in most metropolises, crime rate is high in New York--mugging, robbery, murder and rape are occurring every minute of the hour. What Alan cannot understand is the madness and meanness in addition to the offence--killing someone he didn't know just because he felt like doing so for the moment; robbing elderly people in their wheelchairs because they couldn't resist; and stealing coins from the tray of the blind news dealer because he couldn't see. Alan Johnson, instead of taking everything as unavoidable, wishes the New Yorkers had the courage to say "no" to the ugly aspect of the city.

Alan Johnson decided to leave New York because it is ______.





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