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It is self-evident that ______(科学技术的发展对中国现代化是至关重要的).

It is self-evident that ______(科学技术的发展对中国现代化是至关重要的).

提问人:网友anonymity 发布时间:2022-01-06
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军队院校教育,对军队现代化建设,具有基础性、全局性和 的重要作用。

It would be interesting to discover how many young people go to university without any clear idea of what they are going to do afterwards. (1)If one considers the enormous variety of courses offered, it is not hard to see how difficult it is for a student to select the course most suited to his interests and abilities.(2)If a student goes to university to acquire a broader perspective of life, to enlarge his ideas and to learn to think for himself, he will undoubtedly benefit.(3)Schools often have too restricting an atmosphere, with its timetables and disciplines, to allow him much time for independent assessment of the work he is asked to do.(4)Most students would, I believe, profit by a year or so's exploration of different academic studies, especially those "all-rounders" with no particular interest.They should have longer time to decide in what subject they want to take their degrees, so that in later life, they do not look back and say, "I should like to have been an archaeologist. If I hadn't taken a degree in Modem languages, I shouldn't have been up as an interpreter, but it's too late now. I couldn't go back and begin all over again."

(5)There is, of course, another side to the question of how to make the best use of one's time at university.(6)This is the case of the student who excels in a particular branch of learning.(7)He is immediately accepted by the university of his choice, and spends his three or four years becoming a specialist, emerging with a first-class Honour Degree and very little knowledge of what the rest of the world is all about.(8)It therefore becomes more and more important that, if students are not to waste their opportunities, there will have to be much more detailed information about courses and more advice.Only in this way can we be sure that we are not to have, on the one hand, a band of specialists ignorant of anything outside of their own subject, and on the other hand, an ever increasing number of graduates qualified in subject for which there is little or no demand in the working world.

History shows that the United States ______(美国黑人(Afro-American)为美国这样一个民族做出了巨大贡献).

This new TV technology is called Qube (求比), a pay-cable system now operating in Columbus, Ohio in 20,000 homes for its first trial run. The new "two-way" cable system allows subscribers to "talk back" to those people miles away behind the TV cameras. Qube subscribers can select 30 different programs by pressing one of the buttons on a box like device, called the Qube console. (1)On the console, the channel selectors are connected by wire (cable) from the box, to the TV set, through the wall, into the street, then over utility poles (电线杆) or underground for miles and miles to the computers at the Qube's TV studio headquarters.Nine at the buttons connect to special TV programs that allow the audience to respond to questions by pressing the appropriate button on the Qube box, sending electronic signals to the Eclipse computers. A question is flashed on the screen with possible answers; or buttons 2 can serve as "yes" or "no" replies. The computers in the TV studio tabulate the responses from all viewers and flash the results on TV. (2)At last, the viewer can talk to his or her TV, and so far, Qube subscribers have held dialogues with politicians, decided on talent show winners, and even named a baby.They call it "touching in" since the words "touch now" flash at the bottom of the TV screen when a response is requested.

Qube is revolutionizing American's relationship with television. As expected, the more popular of the 30 channels are those where the audience can "interact" and "touch in". the computers scan the response buttons every 6 seconds to provide the talk-back facility. (3)Quiz shows allow the audience to guess along with the players in the TV studios by responding to the multiple choice or true-false questions flashed on the TV screen.A weekly amateur talent contest. Talent Search, has viewers voting on whether each local act should be allowed to continue. When 50% or more hit the "no" button, the performer must stop. An interview show called Columbus Active makes frequent use of the two-way connection. (4)On a recent program 53% of Qube viewers touched in to say they would 'jump at the chance' to have dinner with ex-president Richard Nixon.Qube viewers are still waiting for the time when a politician will make a statement and then ask his audience: "How many of you believed what I just said?"

Qube has the ability to provide a range of services that viewers can choose to subscribe to. (5)In the past, only a way a viewer could control what was broadcast on TV was to change the channel.Some see Qube as the beginning of a new era--Narrowcast. Narrowcast indicates the computers have ability to send a certain program only to some TV households (the rest get snow). With the cooperation of local colleges, Qube viewers, at extra cost can have various courses narrowcast into their living rooms.

(1)Some people believe that international sport cr...

(1)Some people believe that international sport creates goodwill between the nations and that if countries play games together they will learn to live together.Others say that the opposite is true: that international contests encourage false national pride and lead to misunderstanding and hatred. (2)There is probably some truth in both arguments, but in recent years the Olympic Games have done little to support the view that sports encourages international brotherhood.(3)Not only was there the tragic incident involving the murder of athletes, but the Games were also ruined by lesser incidents caused principally by minor national contests.

One country received its second-place medals with visible indignation after the hockey final. (4)There had been noisy scenes at the end of the hockey match, the losers objecting to the final decisions.(5)They were convinced that one of their goals should not have been disallowed and that their opponents' victory was unfair.Their manager was in a rage when he said: "This wasn't hockey. Hockey and the International Hockey Federation are finished". The president of the Federation said later that such behavior could result in the suspension of the team for at least three years.

(1)The World Bank was established toward the end o...

(1)The World Bank was established toward the end of World War Ⅱ as a new international financial organization to provide long-term finance in the difficult postwar period which lay ahead.The Bank came into operation in June 1946 with a membership of 44 countries. (2)By April 1962 membership had risen to 75, and 15 other countries were applicants, most of which newly independent African nations.

The Bank's first group of loans were made in 1947 to aid postwar reconstruction in Western Europe. (3)The Bank then turned to lending, to assist the economic growth of the less developed countries of the world. These development loans now reach almost US $6000 million. (4)They have helped to lay the foundation of economic progress in many countries, particularly by assisting the development of electric power, transportation, industry and agriculture.

(5)All payments of interest and principal due from the Bank's borrowers have been received.

(1)Each nation has its own peculiar character whic...

(1)Each nation has its own peculiar character which distinguishes it from others. But the people of the world have more points in which they are all like each other than points in which they are different.One type of person that is common in every country is the one who always tries to do as little as he possibly can and to get as much in return as he can. (2)His opposite, the man who is in the habit of doing more than is strictly necessary and who is ready to accept what is offered in return, is rare everywhere.

Both these types are usually unconscious of their character. The man who avoids effort is always talking about his "rights": he appears to think that society owes him a pleasant, easy life. (3)The man who is always doing more than his share talks of "duties": he feels that the individual is in debt to society, and not society to the individual.As a result of their views, neither of these men thinks that he behaves at all strangely.

(4)The man who tries to do as little as he can is always full of excuses: if he has neglected to do something, it was because he had a headache, or the weather was too hot--or too cold--or because he was prevented by bad luck.A first, other people, such as his friends and his employer, generously accept his stories. (5)But soon they realize what kind of person he is. In the long run he deceives only himself. When his friends become cool towards him and he fails to make progress in his job, he is surprised and hurt.He blames everyone and everything except himself. He soon becomes one of the discontented members of the society he lives in.



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