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Tony has many Chinese a stamp.()

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Tony has many Chinese stamp.()


Tony has many Chinese stamps.()

Sir Elton Hercules John has many titles as a rock singer, songwriter, pianist and actor. Which of the following statements about him is false?

A、He has won six Grammy Awards and five Brit Awards.

B、He has won an Academy Award for Best Original Song and a Tony Award for Best Original Score.

C、He is the most successful artist in the history of the American charts.

D、He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1997 shortly after the death of Princess Diana.

听力原文: PrimeMinister Tony Blair unveiled a packed agenda on Tuesday for what should be

听力原文: Prime Minister Tony Blair unveiled a packed agenda on Tuesday for what should be his most challenging parliamentary session yet after voters, many angry over the Iraq war, slashed his majority this month.

The program for Blair's third term--featuring contentious policies ranging from identity cards to new immigration controls-could mark his last chance to secure a lasting legacy before stepping down.

But his fate lies in the hands of Labor party rebels, This time round, a hard core of 30-40 rebels, many of whom blame Blair and want to force a swift handover to chancellor and heir apparent Gordon Brown.

______, Labor Party's majority was reduced in the Parliament.

A.Because Blair has already served two terms

B.Because Blair has stayed in office for too long a time

C.Because many voters were angry over Blair' s Iraq policy

D.Because the public were not interested in Blair' s new policy

A.Because rich Chinese men enjoy their wealth in secret ways.B.Because the rich Chines

A.Because rich Chinese men enjoy their wealth in secret ways.

B.Because the rich Chinese customer no longer hide his wealth.

C.Because there are more wealthy people in China.

D.Because China has a large population.

听力原文:Interviewer: Welcome to our University Radio programme entitled "Leaping the Lang
uage Barrier". My guests today are Tony Wu, a Master's student from China, Susan Hall, International Student Liaison, and Wendy Clark, Head of the ESL Unit here at the university. Tony, you're starting your Master's degree in a few weeks, aren't you?

Tony Wu: Yes, I am. I'll be taking a Master's in Computing. Like many overseas students, I found the selection process tough. Making the transition from undergraduate studies to postgraduate research is hard enough for a native speaker, but my lack of fluency in English was a bigger hurdle. So, I decided to take a pre-Master's course.

Interviewer: Susan, are these courses popular?

Susan Hall: Not at the moment, but each year, over 100000 overseas students apply to study for a postgraduate degree in this country. Many of these students, like Tony, need to work on their English to get the maximum benefit from their time here. Paying full fees, these students represent a significant source of income for the universities. As a result, a growing number of universities and private colleges are offering foundation or pre-Master's courses. The pre-Master's courses are designed to bridge the gap between undergraduate studies and a postgraduate degree taught in English.

Tony Wu: That's right. I won my place on the Master's course after attending a nine-month pre-masters programme at the International Foundation College, a private language and study skills school approved by universities in this country.

Interviewer: Wendy, you're an ESL professional. How useful are these courses?

Wendy Clark: Very useful indeed. As Susan said, many students come here with some English, but not really enough to take full advantage of having an education in an English-speaking country. Pre-Master's courses bring language proficiency up to a more acceptable level. Students develop language skills through classroom interaction and by being part of the wider community, living among native English speakers.

Interviewer: Tony, how successful were the other students on your course?

Tony Wu: The IFC pre-Master's course started in January with 28 students, all from China. All but five gained places on university Master's courses. The IFC was very happy with the success rate.

Interviewer: Wendy, Tony didn't do his course here, but this university does have a pre-Master's course, doesn't it?

Wendy Clark: Yes, it does. In this country, at least a dozen universities now run courses specially designed to cater for the needs of students from overseas regions--particularly Russia, Japan, China, East and South Asia. On top of that, private colleges are starting to enter the market, although most stick to what they do best--improving students' English language test scores. Last year, we prepared 80 foreign students--mostly from China, South East Asia, Iran and the, former Soviet republics-for masters degrees at universities in this country. Studied over an academic year, the course is demanding. Students from a range of disciplines are taught by a subject specialist, with an English language teacher working alongside to review students' comprehension and written work. The course culminates in a mini dissertation prepared over four months.

Interviewer: Did you find that difficult, Tony?

Tony Wu: I certainly did!

Wendy Clark: I believe that a pre-Master's course should do a lot more than boost language skills. It's also about preparing students from different cultural backgrounds to succeed in the academic world. We prepare them to look at a variety of sources, anal-yse the pros and cons, put forward their own ideas, challenge their tutors and take part in rigorous discussion.

Interviewer: Wendy, has the course nm at this university been successful?

Wendy Clark: The results here speak for themselves. The one-year pre-Master's programme has a 90% success rate and a smattering of students go on to Har

A.Tony Wu, an undergraduate student from China, Susan Hall, International Student, and Wendy Clark, Head of the University.

B.Tony Wu, a Master's student from China, Susan Hall, International Student, and Wendy Clark, Head of the ESL Unit.

C.Tony Wu, a Master's student from China, Susan Hall, International Student Liaison, and Wendy Clark, Head of English.

D.Tony Wu, a Master's student from China, Susan Hall, International Student Liaison, and Wendy Clark, Head of the ESL Unit.

The future of the Secombe Theatre in Sutton is in doubt after a government report spreads
fears of closure. The report says the theatre does not meet modem standards for arts events and the site is capable of a larger-scale (更大规模的) development. While it promises to plan for a neighborhood center, it fails to make any mention of a new theatre, which has left many asking why.

Leading figures from the arts circle have come togther to fight for the 21-year-old theatre.

Barbara Windsor, chairman of the Performing Art Society, said: "If they have to tear it down it would be a waste of a good theatre. Every town needs a heart."

John Stevens, of Sutton Theatre Company, said the theatre had suffered from a lack of money and business support. "There's a crying need for a theatre in Sutton and the public will lose out if the Secombe goes."

Peter Geiringer, a city government official also argued that a neighborhood center was not the same as a theatre. "It's silly; this is the death of the Secombe. They're going to replace (代替) it by a hall so no one in Sutton will be able to go to a real theatre."

Leslie Coman, member of city committee for the arts, said: "The Secombe has played an out- standing role in the cultural life of this town over many years. It is only right that the committee continues to look at how it can provide new buildings for artists' workshops, and performances."

Sutton Arts Committee Chairman Tony Kerslake said: "At some stage a building comes to the end of its life. If a new one was built in the same place, I would accept that as progress."

The government report makes people wonder whether the theatre will be______.





听力原文: Under the media's spotlight, Iran's foreign Minister Kamal Kharrazi met British
Prime Minister Tony Blair on Monday at Blair's official residence on Downing Street.

Kharrazi's visit, the first by an Iranian minister since the 1979 Islamic revolution, was hailed by the international community as a crucial step cementing a rapprochement with Britain after decades of suspicion and mistrust.

Relations between the two countries soured and came to a standstill when(30)the late Iranian leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini issued a death order two years ago against Salman Rushdie, the British writer who authored "the satanic verses" for so-called disrespecting Islam.

After the meeting, Blair's spokesman said Kharrazi's visit was "an important landmark in Iran's reintegration into the international community." (29) It shows that the tense relationship between Western countries and Iran began to ease. (31)Peaceful means again turned out to be the best solution in settling differences.

The visit, along with the normalization of diplomatic relations between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Italy, got across a message that ideological or cultural differences should not constitute an obstacle to the development of bilateral relations.

Economic sanctions imposed by Western countries against Iran can do nothing but only lead to further confrontation and hostility.

According to the current situation, British Prime Minister Tony Blair has changed the nation's strategy, and he decided to decrease the collapse of relations between Britain and Iran. Also he advised the whole western nations should also make a change to improve the peacefulness of the whole world. "We want peace and not war. "He said.


A.Because Iranian leaders has not visited the UK for many years.

B.Because the hostility between Western countries and Iran began thawing.

C.Because the visit shows the normalization between Korea and Italy.

D.Because Kharrazi is the first Iranian minister to visit UK.

听力原文: BAGHDAD, Iraq Sept. 23, 2004--A British hostage appeared on a video posted on an
Islamic Web site Wednesday weeping and pleading for his life as Iraq's leader and U. S. officials crushed reports that a high-pro- file female Iraqi weapons scientist could be released from jail soon as demanded by the kidnappers.

The captive, Kenneth Bigley, appealed to British Prime Minister Tony Blair to intervene. "I think this is possibly my last chance, ' he said. "I don't want to die."

Bigley was being held by a militant group led by Jordanian-born terror mastermind Abu Musabal-Zarqawi. The group has already beheaded Americans Eugene Armstrong and Jack Hensley, whom it abducted along with Bigley from the Westerners' Baghdad home last week.

On Wednesday, the group also posted a video of Hensley's killing on the Internet, as it had two days earlier of Armstrong's beheading. Hensley's decapitated body was found Wednesday in Baghdad.

More than 130 foreigners have been kidnapped in Iraq, and at least 26 of them have been killed. Many more Iraqis have also been seized in the chaos since Saddam was ousted last year, in many cases for ransom.

In the video, the British hostage _______.

A.assured his family members that he was safe

B.asked the British government to save his life

C.criticize the British government for not taking action

D.denounced those who captured him very bravely

Questions 25-27Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D. How many students on Tony's course

Questions 25-27

Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.

How many students on Tony's course passed?

A.All of them.




听力原文: Under the media's spotlight, Iran's foreign Minister Kamal Kharrazi met British
Prime Minister Tony Blair on Monday at Blair's official residence on Downing Street.

Kharrazi's visit, the first by an Iranian minister since the 1979 Islamic revolution, was hailed by the international community as a crucial step cementing a rapprochement with Britain after decades of suspicion and mistrust.

Relations between the two countries soured and came to a standstill when the late Iranian leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini issued a death order two years ago against Salman Rushdie, the British writer who authored "the satanic verses" for so-called disrespecting Islam.

After the meeting, Blair's spokesman said Kharrazi's visit was "an important landmark in Iran's reintegration into the international community." It shows that the tense relationship between Western countries and Iran began to ease. Peaceful means again turned out to be the best solution in settling differences.

The visit, along with the normalization of diplomatic relations between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Italy, got across a message that ideological or cultural differences should not constitute an obstacle to the development of bilateral relations.

Economic sanctions imposed by Western countries against Iran can do nothing but only lead to further confrontation and hostility.

According to the current situation, British Prime Minister Tony Blair has changed the nation's strategy, and he decided to decrease the collapse of relations between Britain and Iran. Also he advised the whole western nations should also make a change to improve the peacefulness of the whole world. "We want peace and not war. "He said.


A.Because Iranian leaders has not visited the UK for many years.

B.Because the hostility between Western countries and Iran began thawing.

C.Because the visit shows the normalization between Korea and Italy.

D.Because Kharrazi is the first Iranian minister to visit UK.

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