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Family ties, friendships and involvement in social activities can offer a psychological bu

ffer against stress, anxiety and depression. Social support can also help you cope better with health problems.

Cultivating social support can take some effort. Here's how to develop and maintain strong and healthy social ties.

Understanding the importance of social support

Social support isn't the same as a support group. Social support is a network of family, friends, colleagues and other acquaintances you can turn to, whether in times of crisis or simply for fun and entertainment. Support groups, on the other hand, are generally more structured meetings or self-help groups, often run by mental health professionals.

Simply talking with a friend over a cup of coffee, visiting with a relative, or attending a church outing is good for your overall health. If you have a mental illness, these connections can help you weather troubled times. Your friends and social contacts may encourage you to change unhealthy lifestyle. habits, such as excessive drinking. Or they may urge you to visit your doctor when you feel depressed, which can prevent problems from escalating.

Social support can also increase your sense of belonging, purpose and self-worth, promoting positive mental health. It can help you get through a divorce, a job loss, the death of a loved one or the addition of a child to your family.

And you don't necessarily have to actually lean on family and friends for support to reap the benefits of those connections. Just knowing that they're there for you can help you avoid unhealthy reactions to stressful situations.

Developing a social support system

Some people benefit from large and diverse social support systems, while others prefer a smaller circle of friends and acquaintances. In either case, it helps to have plenty of friends to turn to. That way, someone is always available when you need them, without putting undue demands on any one person. You don't want to wear out your friends.

If you want to expand your social support network, here are some things you can do:

Get out with your pet. Seek out a dog park or make conversation with those who stop to talk.

Work out. Join a class through a local gym, senior center or community fitness facility. Or start a lunchtime walking group at work.

Do lunch. Invite an acquaintance to join you for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Volunteer. Hospitals, places of worship, museums, community centers and other organizations often need volunteers. You can form. strong connections when you work with people who share a mutual interest.

Join a cause. Get together with a group of people working toward a goal you believe in, such as an election or the cleanup of a natural area.

Join a hobby group. Find a nearby group with similar interests in such things as auto racing, music, gardening, books or crafts.

Go back to school. Take a college or community education course to meet people with similar interests.

Having a variety of interests can create new opportunities to meet people. And it may also help make you more interesting to others.

Maintaining a mutually healthy social support system

Developing and maintaining healthy social ties involves give and take. Sometimes you're the one giving support and other times you're on the receiving end. Recognize who is able to provide you with the most support. Letting family and friends know you love and appreciate them will help ensure that their support remains strong when times are rough.

Your social support system will help you if you take time to nurture friendships and family relationships. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Go easy. Don't overwhelm friends and family with phone cal




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更多“Family ties, friendships and i…”相关的问题
People with strong social ties may simply have much to care for. They care for loved ones,
family, friends and get-togethers.




In Germany, in contrast with France,friendship is much more clearly a matter of feeling. A
dolescents, boys and girls,from deeply sentimental attachments,walk and talk together-not so much to polish their wits as to share their hopes and fears and dreams to form. a common front against the world of school and family and to join in a kind of mutual discovery of each other's and their own inner life. Within the family, the closest relationship over a lifetime is between brothers and sisters. Outside the family, men and women find in their closest friends of the same sex the devotion of a sister, the loyalty of a brother. Appropriately, in Germany friends usually arebrought into the family. Children call their father's and their mother's friends "uncle"and "aunt". Between French friends,who have chosen each other for the similarity of their point of view,lively disagreement and sharpness of argument are the breath of life. But for Germans, whose friendships are based on common feelings,deep disagreement on any subject that matters to both is regarded as a tragedy. Like ties of kinship,ties of friendship are meant to be absolutely binding.

Young Germans who come to the United States have great difficulty in establishing such friendships with Americans. We view friendship more tentatively, subject to changes in intensity as people move, change their jobs,marry, or discover new interests.

听力原文:W: I want to watch TV and improve my English. What is your favorite TV show?M: I

听力原文:W: I want to watch TV and improve my English. What is your favorite TV show?

M: I like sitcoms. I watch "Friends" a lot. I never missed a single episode. Of course there are other sitcoms like "Wings", "Frazier", "Family Ties". Those are all very good.

W: What time do they come on?

M: Mostly in the evenings. These are actually old shows, but NBC has re-runs of them. "Frazier" is on from 6:00 to 6:30 on NBC every day week days. "Friends" is from 6:30 to 7:30 PM, also on NBC. Channels like Nick-at-Nite show older sitcoms almost every night except Sundays.

W: What are the older sitcoms?

M: "Cheers" is a good one. "All in the Family", "Three's Company" and "Family Ties" are all great ones. But they are usually shown very late at night, beginning from 10:00 PM until 4:00 or 5:00 in the morning.

W: Which ones are the movie channels?

M: Channel 45 is Super-Station. That channel has a lot of good movies. TNT is channel 17. You can also find many movies on TNT. What's bothering me is the commercials. A two-hour movie can run three and half hours because of the commercials. That's really annoying.

What sitcom does the man like best?


B.Family Ties.


D.All in the Family.

听力原文:Woman: I want to watch TV and improve my English. What is your favorite TV show?M

听力原文:Woman: I want to watch TV and improve my English. What is your favorite TV show?

Man: I like sitcoms. (8[A]) I watch "Friends" a lot. I never missed a single episode. Of course there are other sitcoms like "Wings," "Frazier,' "Family Ties". Those axe all very good.

Woman: What time do they come on?

Man: Mostly in the evenings. These are actually old shows, but NBC has re-runs of them. "Frazier" is on from 6:00 to 6:30 on NBC every day week days. "Friends" is from 6:30 to 7:30 PM, also on NBC. Channels like Nick-at-Nite show older sitcoms almost every night except Sundays.

Woman: What are the older sitcoms?

Man: "Cheers" is a good one. "All in the Family," "Three's Company," and "Family Ties" are all great ones. (9[C]) But they are usually shown very late at night, beginning from 10:00 PM until 4:00 or 5:00 in the morning.

Woman: Which ones are the movie channels?

Man: (10[B]) Channel 45 is Super-Station. That channel has a lot of good movies. TNT is channel 17. You can also find many movies on TNT. What's bothering me is the commercials. A two-hour movie can run three and half-hours because of the commercials. That's really annoying.

What sitcom does the man like best?


B.Family Ties.


D.All in the Family.

Friendship and Living LongerDo you want to be healthier and live longer? Spend time with y

Friendship and Living Longer

Do you want to be healthier and live longer? Spend time with your friends. That is the prescription given by several medical studies. These surveys show that people with strong social ties--to friends, family and loved ones, even pets live longer and enjoy better health than lonely people.

One study in California, for example, followed 7,000 people over a period Of nine years. The subjects were asked to describe their social ties. Some said that they were isolated from others. These subjects had death rates two or three times higher than people with families and friends.

The stronger the social ties to others, the study found, the lower the death rate. The pattern held true for men and women, young and old, rich and poor. The race of the subject did not change the result. It also applied to people with different life styles. Cigarette smokers who had friends lived longer than friendless smokers. Joggers involved with other people lived longer than joggers who lived isolated lives.

Another study confirms this result. The University of Michigan looked at 2,754 adults in Tecumseh, Michigan. The researchers carefully measured their subjects' health at the beginning of the study. The lonely, isolated people started out as healthy as the others. But over ten years, they were two to four times as likely to die.

Other findings also show the health value of personal ties. Married men and women tend to live longer than single, divorced or widowed people of the same age. In nursing homes, patients became more aware and responsive when they played with cats and dogs. Pet owners are more likely to survive heart attacks than people without pets.

Another kind of proof that social ties support good health comes from Japan. Most Japanese people live hectic lives in cities as crowded, noisy, and polluted as ours. Such a way of life seems unhealthy. Yet the Japanese are among the healthiest and longest-lived people in the world. One reason may be their diet. Another reason, though, is the way of life. The Japanese have strong ties to family and co-workers. These ties are rarely broken. For example, companies tend to move co-workers as a group, rather than one at a time. Thus the work groups remain the same.

Studies of Japanese-Americans support the importance of the role of Japanese social life in preserving their health. Japanese-Americans who live in strongly Japanese neighborhoods and have mainly Japanese friends tend to live longer than those who do not. Both groups eat mostly American-style. food and many in both groups smoke and drink. Thus it appears to be the strong social ties of Japanese communities that keep their members healthy.

Why is it more healthy to have friends and loved ones? We don't know exactly. But it is probably a combination of several explanations. In part, people with strong social ties may simply have more to live for. They have loved ones or family who share their lives. They have friends who call them and ask them how they are doing. They have get-togethers to look forward to.

Social contacts also provide us with a buffer against the shocks of life. At some point, each of us moves, changes a job, or loses a loved one. Such abrupt changes tend to cause increase in the rates of many diseases. These include heart disease, cancer, strokes, and mental illnesses. Accidents are also more likely to happen to people whose lives have suddenly changed. Friends, loved ones, even a loyal dog can help us to get through the otherwise very rough changes that we must deal with in life.

Finally, friends and loved ones can affect our health in still another way. If we are smokers, they may help us to quit. If we overeat, they may urge us to cut back. They can remind us to go for medical checkups. And if we have fears or sadness bottled up inside us, friends




In some countries, societal and familial treatment of the elderly usually reflects a great
degree of independence and individualism. Their【C1】______ support is often provided by social security or welfare systems, which【C2】______ dependence on their family.【C3】______, older people may seek their own friends【C4】______ become too emotionally dependent on their children. Senior citizens centers provide a(n)【C5】______ for peer-group association within ones own age groups. There are problems,【C6】______, with growing old, in the United States. Glorification of youth and【C7】______ to the aged have left many older people alienated and alone. Some families send their older relatives to nursing homes rather than【C8】______ them into the homes of the children or grandchildren. This【C9】______ of the elderly from the young has contributed【C10】______ the isolation of an increasingly large segment of society. On the other hand, there are many older people who【C11】______ to live in retirement communities【C12】______ they have the companionship of other older people and【C13】______ of many recreational and social activities close to home. The【C14】______ of the elderly can be further understood by distinguishing between nuclear and extended family structures. In the United States the nuclear family, which consists【C15】______ the father, the mother, and the children, is considered "the family". The extended family,【C16】______ in other cultures, includes grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces, and children in law. The【C17】______ between the nuclear and extended family is important【C18】______ it suggests the extent of family ties and obligations. In extended families the children and parents have【C19】______ ties and obligations to relatives. It is common in these families to support older family members,【C20】______ intensive contact with relatives, and to establish communal housing.






Americans circle of close confidants has shrunk dramatically in the past two decades but
the number of people who say they【M1】______ have no one with whom to discuss important matters has more than doubled, according to a new study by sociologists at Duke University and the University of Arizona " The evidence shows that Americans have more confidants and those ties are also more【M2】______ family-based than they are used to be," said Lynn Smith-Lovin,【M3】______ Professor of Sociology at Duke University and one of the studys authors of Social Isolation in America: Changes in Core Discussion Networks Over Two Decades. The study compared data from 1985 to 2004 and found which【M4】______ the mean number of people with whom Americans can discuss matters important to them dropped by nearly one-third, from 2.94 people in 1985 to 2.08 in 2004. The study paints a picture of Americans social contacts a "densely connected, close,【M5】______ homogeneous set of ties slowly closing in on themselves,【M6】______ becoming smaller, more tightly interconnected, more focusing on【M7】______ the very strong bonds of the nuclear family." That means less contacts created through clubs, neighbors and【M8】______ organizations outside the home—a phenomenon popularly known as " bowling lonely," from the 2000 book of the same title by【M9】______ Robert D. Putnam. The researchers speculated that changes in communities and families, such as the increase in a number of【M10】______ hours that family members spend at work and the influence of Internet communication, may contribute to the decrease in the size of close-knit circles of friends and relatives.


It can be inferred from paragraph 5 that family ties are stronger in Portugal than inA.Gre

It can be inferred from paragraph 5 that family ties are stronger in Portugal than in





It can be inferred from paragraph 5 that family ties are stronger in Portugal than in_____





42 It can be inferred from paragraph 5 that family ties are stronger in Portugal than inA

42 It can be inferred from paragraph 5 that family ties are stronger in Portugal than in

A Finland.

B Greece.

C Spain.

D Italy.

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