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The reviewer cannot accept Stuart's opinions because Stuart ______.A.makes unreasonable co

The reviewer cannot accept Stuart's opinions because Stuart ______.

A.makes unreasonable complaints about the interviewees.

B.writes too positively about the interviewees.

C.has different attitudes towards different interviewees.

提问人:网友greenfirefly 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“The reviewer cannot accept Stu…”相关的问题
The reviewer cannot accept Stuart's opinions because Stuart ______.A.makes unreasonble com

The reviewer cannot accept Stuart's opinions because Stuart ______.

A.makes unreasonble complaints about the interviewees.

B.writes too positively about the interviewees.

C.has different attitudes towards different interviewees.

The reviewer cannot accept Rogers's opinions because RogersA.makes unreasonable complaints

The reviewer cannot accept Rogers's opinions because Rogers

A.makes unreasonable complaints about the interviewees.

B.writes too positively about the interviewees.

C.has different attitudes towards different interviewees.

根据下列材料回答下列各 题。 When IBegan reading Catch-22,I thought it was a farcical sati
re on life in the UnitedStates Army Air Force.Later IBelieved that Mr.Hellers target was modem war and all those whoare responsible for waging it.Still later it seemed that he was attacking social organization andanyone whoDerives power from it.ButBy the end of theBook it hadBecome plain to me that itis—no other phrase willDo—tlle human condition itself which is the object of Mr.Heller,s out.raged fhry andDisgust. A reviewer must always keep an anxious eye on the state of his currecy.If he announcestoo many masterpieces he risks inflation(though it is sometimes forgottenBy some of US that thecowardice of perpetual crabbing(挑剔)receives its own kind of punishment).ItDoes not seemmany weeks since l was proclaiming that Malcolm Lowry’s Under the Volcano is one of the greatEnglish novels of the century;and not longBefore that l was urging that attention shouldBe paidto the magnificent and neglected talent of William Gerhardi. But at th e ri sk of inflation I cannot help writing that Catch-22 is the greatest satirical workin English since Erewhon.For the fact is that all my successive interpretations of thisBook nowseem to haveBeen accurate,even if the earlier ones were also incomplete.TheBook has an im.mense andDevastating(讽刺的)theme,but this theme is illustrated,as it shouldBe,bv meaJlsof an observed reality. I am not suggesting that Catch—22 is a realistic account of life in the war—time Air Forceof America or any other country.The method of satire is to inflate(放大)reality so that all its partially concealedBlemishes(缺点)turn into monstrous and apparentDeformations.Theefiect of good satire is to make us laugh with horror.And this means that social and personal e-vils which areBeing satirized must haveBeen there,and mustBe feltBy the reader toBe thereeyen while he is laughing at the results of the satirists inflating imagination. ()The passage seems toBe from________.

A.a review of a film

B.aBook about the U.S.Air Force

C.an essay on satire

D.a review of aBook

The book reviewer's attitude towards the book is one of ______.A.approval.B.ambivalence.C.

The book reviewer's attitude towards the book is one of ______.





It seems the art of survival-or continual positive projection-in the world of pop music th
ese days, depends very much on change. If artists fail to recreate their image--chameleon(变色龙)- like, over and over again--they risk facing accusations of dullness; that they are not fashionable.

This phenomenon is especially prevalent(普遍的) in the female ranks. It is not sufficient for an artist to be beautiful and sexy. These characteristics too must be changed often, and remodelled to avoid being bogged down(陷入困境) by a stereotype(老一套).

Two examples of the rock "n" roll art of move and change are Cher and Madonna, the latter a brilliant illustration of the trend. Her latest disc, "Something to Remember", displays how she has so effectively been able to stay at the top without diminishing credibility in her particular field. (For these purposes, we will forget her unworthy flirtation with sex, that horrible book and her swear-word-ridden, cigar-chewing appearance on the David Letterman Show. )

This collection demonstrates how she has moderate her image at relevant times to give contrast and definition to her career. But it offers more than simply a study in rock fashion history. There is also a solid collection of quality music.

It opens with the newish "I Want You with Massive Attack", a faintly morose and teary plea and quickly moves back in time to her earlier moments: "Crazy for You", "This Used To Be My Playground" and "You'll See". There is also a nice version of "Love Don't Live Here Anymore". So this is more than an exploitative offering.

However, Chef's latest package, It's a Man's World’, cannot be reviewed proudly. In her past--the most memorable moment for this reviewer being her visit to a US warship amid cheering sailors for "If I Could Turn Back Time'-she has competed admirably. And she has demonstrated the classic features of the change syndrome(综合症). But this is a tired and dull Chef, Perhaps attempting to moderate her sexy and boy-crazy image in this session but failing.

It can be inferred from paragraph 1 that in order to survive in the world of pop music, artists need to______.

A.build a chameleon like image

B.recreate themselves over and over again

C.avoid being dull at all costs

D.stay beautiful and sexy

When the book reviewer discusses the book The Joy of Laziness, he is ______.A.biased.B.equ

When the book reviewer discusses the book The Joy of Laziness, he is ______.





The reviewer's appraisal of "Principles of Sensory Evaluation of Food" is one of ______.A.

The reviewer's appraisal of "Principles of Sensory Evaluation of Food" is one of ______.

A.mixed feelings


C.high praise

D.faint praise






The reviewer believesA.this book will appeal to everyone.B.his employees will be intereste

The reviewer believes

A.this book will appeal to everyone.

B.his employees will be interested in this book.

C.family business owners will like this book.

When I began reading Catch -22, I thought it was a farcical satire on life in the United S
tates Army Air Force. Later I believed that Mr. Heller's target was modern war and all those who are responsible for waging it. Still later it seemed that he was attacking social organization and anyone who derives power from it. But by the end of the book it had become plain to me that it is——no other phrase will do——the human condition itself which is the object of Mr. Heller's outraged fury and disgust.

A reviewer must always keep an anxious eye on the state of his currency. If he announces too many masterpieces he risks inflation (though it is sometimes forgotten by some of us that the cowardice of perpetual crabbing (挑剔) receives its own kind of punishment). It does not seem many weeks since I was proclaiming that Malcolm Lowry's Under the Volcano is one of the great English novels of the century; and not long before that I was urging that attention should be paid to the magnificent and neglected talent of William Gerhardi.

But at the risk of inflation I cannot help writing that Catch - 22 is the greatest satirical work in English since Erewhon. For the fact is that all my successive interpretations of this book now seem to have been accurate, even if the earlier ones were also incomplete. The book has an immense and devastating (讽刺的) theme, but this theme is illustrated, as it should be, by means of an observed reality.

I am not suggesting that Catch - 22 is a realistic account of life in the war time Air Force of America or any other country. The method of satire is to inflate (放大) reality so that all its partially concealed blemishes (缺点) turn into monstrous and apparent deformations. The effect of good satire is to make us laugh with horror. And this means that social and personal evils which are being satirized must have been there, and must be felt by the reader to be there even while be is laughing at the results of the satirist's inflating imagination.

The passage seems to be from ______. ()

A.a review of a film

B.a book about the U. S. Air Force

C.an essay on satire

D.a review of a book

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